Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports

West Bank and the Gaza Strip

West Bank and the Gaza Strip
2022 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement

In 2022, the Palestinian Authority made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor in the areas of the West Bank under its control. In 2022, the labor inspectorate detected 360 more violations of child labor laws than in 2021 and courts achieved 9 convictions for child labor crimes. However, children in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including commercial sexual exploitation. Children also perform dangerous tasks in construction and fishing. The Palestinian Authority’s legal framework does not establish child trafficking or forced labor as a criminal offense in accordance with international standards. Labor investigators also reported that they cannot inspect worksites at night, when they suspect child labor occurs, because of insufficient funding for overtime. In addition, social programs to prevent or eliminate child labor are insufficient.

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