Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


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2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement – Efforts Made but Continued Practice that Delayed Advancement

In 2023, Uzbekistan made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government approved a new constitution that incorporates prohibitions against child labor and forced labor, and updated a list of hazardous work activities prohibited for children. It also signed a new memorandum of understanding with the International Labor Organization and the International Finance Corporation launching a Better Work pilot program to expand the authority and capacity of the labor inspectorate, as well as collective bargaining rights. However, despite new initiatives to address child labor, Uzbekistan is assessed as having made only minimal advancement because it continued a practice that delays advancement to eliminate child labor. Labor inspectors are required to first seek approval from the Business Ombudsman before they may conduct unannounced private sector inspections; given that the Business Ombudsman's primary responsibility is the promotion and protection of private sector business interests in Uzbekistan, this requirement poses a conflict of interest that creates an administrative barrier to unannounced inspections and may result in advance notice being given to business owners and likely leaves potential violations of child labor laws and other labor abuses undetected. In addition, there continue to be impediments to the operation of non-governmental organizations in addressing broader labor concerns. Human rights and civil society organizations, including those working on forced and child labor issues, have been denied official registration for bureaucratic reasons, sometimes for failing to meet registration requirements that had not been publicly specified. Some civil society organizations also reported interference by government security services when researching and monitoring labor conditions in the cotton sector.

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