Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


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2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Suriname made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government signed the Third Decent Country Work Program with the International Labor Organization, which includes proactive strategies for the prevention and eradication of child labor. The Ministry of Labor also created a commission that evaluated the 2010 Decree on Hazardous Work for Youth and presented recommendations to update it. Additionally, a representative of the National Commission on Combating Child Labor took part in a regional conference in Peru at which countries shared best practices and agreed to collaborate on a series of activities to combat child labor. However, despite these efforts, the compulsory education age falls below the minimum age for employment, leaving some children vulnerable to labor exploitation. In addition, while Suriname's laws criminalize sexual acts with a minor under 16, they do not criminally prohibit the use of a child under the age of 16 for commercial sex. The government also did not report the number of child labor inspections it conducted in 2023.