Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka
2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Sri Lanka made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The Sri Lanka Department of Labor trained 357 labor officers on laws related to child labor and organized several specialized training programs, including cybercrime investigation and forensic interviewer skills for child survivors. It also expanded its school meal programs to cover 1.6 million students in primary schools across the country and launched a social welfare program to provide financial benefits to 1.7 million families at high risk for labor exploitation, including child labor. Although the government made meaningful efforts in all relevant areas during the reporting period, it is unknown whether the government initiated prosecutions or convicted perpetrators for crimes related to the worst forms of child labor. Research also indicates that some children in rural areas face barriers to accessing education, including long distances to school, an inadequate number of teachers, and challenges in securing necessary documents for enrollment. Furthermore, the labor inspectorate lacked sufficient staffing and funding to carry out an adequate number of inspections, including in factories in the northern and eastern provinces.