Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea
2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement

In 2023, Papua New Guinea made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government increased funding for the Government Tuition Fee Subsidy Policy and pledged to cover all school fees for students, increasing access to education. However, Papua New Guinea's hazardous work prohibitions do not comply with international standards because they allow children ages 16 and older to engage in hazardous work, which is below the international standard of 18 years old. In addition, it does not have laws that sufficiently protect children from commercial sexual exploitation because using, procuring, and offering a child for pornographic performances are not criminally prohibited. Further, prohibitions against child trafficking are not sufficient because the law requires that threats, the use of force, or coercion be established for the crime of child trafficking. Lastly, although exact funding levels are unknown, the labor inspectorate does not have sufficient resources to adequately enforce labor laws.

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