Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Significant Advancement

In 2023, Moldova made significant advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government continued to implement a series of reforms to the State Labor Inspectorate, improving its authority to perform on-site and unannounced inspections, as well as increasing staffing and updating the inspectorate's technical equipment. In November 2023, the State Labor Inspectorate launched a nationwide inspection campaign to identify informal work, which resulted in 200 cases identified over the course of 2 months, including 14 cases involving children. In March 2024, the Parliament approved revisions to the Labor Code and Contraventions Code to provide penalties for employing children below the minimum age for work either with or without a contract. Additionally, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection announced a comprehensive reform of its social assistance programs designed to increase access to such programs and reduce poverty, especially among children. Finally, the government adopted a new statistical framework to measure child labor and signed a memorandum of understanding with UNICEF to carry out poverty reduction programs. However, despite these efforts, there is insufficient cooperation among social protection, health, and law enforcement entities with regard to providing appropriate services and reintegration assistance to child survivors of labor exploitation and trafficking in persons. Social programs to support child survivors of exploitation are also inadequate.