Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Jordan made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government approved a new National Strategy to Prevent Human Trafficking for 2023 to 2026; enacted a Child Rights Act, which requires certain professions to report exposure of a child to human trafficking, prostitution, or economic exploitation, including forced labor and forced begging, to competent authorities; and approved new bylaws for sheltering victims of human trafficking. It also referred all 507 child laborers identified by inspectors to social services providers. However, despite these efforts, Syrian children still face barriers to accessing education due to socioeconomic pressures, bullying, and the costs associated with transportation and supplies, among other issues. The high number of inspections per inspector also raises concerns that inspectors may not have the time to adequately identify and remediate labor law violations. Additionally, the scope of government programs is insufficient to fully address the extent of child labor, including in construction and street vending.  Moreover, the legal framework does not criminally prohibit the use of children in prostitution.

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