Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2022 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement – Efforts Made but Continued Practice that Delayed Advancement

In 2022, Gabon made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government worked with the United Nations Children's Fund on a campaign to provide birth certificates to more than 10,000 children, and increased funding, bed capacity, and in-kind support for shelters. However, despite government initiatives to address child labor, Gabon is receiving an assessment of minimal advancement because it continued to implement a practice that delayed advancement to eliminate child labor. The government failed to provide evidence it conducted worksite inspections during the reporting period. Labor inspections are a key tool for identifying child labor violations, and their absence makes children more vulnerable to child labor. Children in Gabon are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including in commercial sexual exploitation, sometimes as a result of human trafficking. Children also engage in child labor in domestic work. Furthermore, Gabonese law regarding minimum age for work provisions only applies to children in formal employment relationships, which does not conform to international standards that require all children to be protected by the minimum age for work. In addition, Gabon does not have a policy that addresses all relevant forms of child labor and lacks social programs to address child labor in domestic work and commercial sexual exploitation.

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