Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

No Advancement – Efforts Made But Complicit in Forced Child Labor

In 2023, Eritrea is receiving an assessment of no advancement. Despite initiatives to address child labor, Eritrea is assessed as having made no advancement because it demonstrated complicity in the use of forced child labor. Government officials continued to force students in grade 12, some of whom are under the age of 18, to participate in military training elements of the government's compulsory national service program. In addition, high school students are forced to participate in maetot, a government-mandated month-long agricultural work program, for little to no pay. Failure to participate in the program results in immediate expulsion from school. Otherwise, the government revived the Early Childhood Care and Education Team at the Ministry of Education, which worked with local nongovernmental organizations to enroll students in childhood care and education programs. Additionally, the government renewed the Education Sector Development Plan, which establishes free and compulsory education for all children in elementary school and middle school, and expands access to education to nomadic communities through the provision of portable classrooms. However, Eritrea's minimum age protections do not apply to children working outside formal employment relationships. In addition, Eritrea’s laws–including its existing Penal Code of 1957–do not criminally prohibit the use of a child for prostitution; the use, procuring, or offering of a child in illicit activities; or the procuring or offering of a child for pornography or pornographic performances. Moreover, the government did not publicly release information on its criminal or labor law enforcement efforts.

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