Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


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2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement

In 2023, Egypt made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government conducted a national child labor survey and launched a referral mechanism that uses a whole-of-government approach to identify victims of trafficking, refer them to necessary services, investigate cases, and provide rehabilitation and reintegration services. However, the government did not publish data on its efforts to enforce its child labor laws, including labor inspectorate resources, number of child labor violations found, and penalties imposed for child labor violations. The minimum age for voluntary state military recruitment also does not meet international standards as it is below age 16. In addition, programs to address child labor are insufficient to adequately address the extent of the problem, particularly the lack of targeted programming to prevent the commercial sexual exploitation of children and child labor in limestone quarrying. Moreover, reports indicate that victims are unwilling to interact with state entities, hindering the government's ability to refer them to appropriate services.