Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (DRC)

Cobalt Ore (heterogenite)
Cobalt Ore (heterogenite)
Child Labor Icon
Forced Labor Icon
Child Labor Icon
Child Labor Icon
Child Labor Icon
Forced Child Labor Icon
Forced Labor Icon
Tantalum Ore (coltan)
Tantalum Ore (coltan)
Child Labor Icon
Forced Child Labor Icon
Forced Labor Icon
Tin Ore (cassiterite)
Tin Ore (cassiterite)
Child Labor Icon
Forced Child Labor Icon
Forced Labor Icon
Tungsten Ore (wolframite)
Tungsten Ore (wolframite)
Child Labor Icon
Forced Child Labor Icon
Forced Labor Icon
Copper Products
Copper Products
Congo, Democratic Republic of the (DRC)
2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement – Efforts Made but Continued Practice that Delayed Advancement

In 2023, the Democratic Republic of the Congo made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government piloted the Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System in 10 artisanal cobalt mining sites, and as of December 2023, 5,346 children were registered in the database and are being assessed for services. However, despite new initiatives to address child labor, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is receiving an assessment of minimal advancement because the country's armed forces coordinated with and supplied material support to armed groups known for recruiting children. In addition, the government did not publish labor or criminal law enforcement data. It also failed to take active measures to ensure that children are not inappropriately incarcerated, penalized, or physically harmed solely for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of their exploitation in the worst forms of child labor. Other gaps remain, including inadequate financial resources allocated to enforcement agencies.