Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Moderate Advancement

In 2023, Botswana made moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. After several years of non-reporting on the matter, the government reported that labor inspectors were trained on the elimination of child labor through a month-long training program. Additionally, through a program offered with the International Labor Organization, the government trained officers from several civil society partners on the elimination of child labor. Botswana also renewed its anti-human trafficking national action plan and began using a model which allows for enhanced targeting of labor inspections towards problematic sectors, including those in regular non-compliance with child labor laws. Despite these efforts, gaps remain in the country’s legal framework, including the lack of a minimum age for compulsory education and a list of hazardous work activities for children. The government also did not provide information on its criminal law enforcement efforts for inclusion in this report. In addition, the design and implementation of social programs to address child labor are insufficient to fully address the scope of the problem, especially in commercial sexual exploitation, cattle herding, and domestic work.