Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports


2023 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor:

Minimal Advancement

In 2023, Bhutan made minimal advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government published data about its labor inspectorate funding and began to offer vocational training to boys upon their release from juvenile detention centers, reducing their vulnerability to child labor. However, Bhutan's laws do not meet international standards on the minimum age for work as the Labor and Employment Act allows children aged 13 to enter the labor force; the prohibition of forced labor as the law does not criminalize slavery; and the prohibition of child trafficking as the Penal Code (Amendment) Act of Bhutan 2021 still includes the necessity of force, fraud, or coercion in child trafficking cases. In addition, the government has not adopted a national policy to address child labor, and the government did not publicly release information on its criminal law enforcement efforts.

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