The Sustainability Strategies resource library provides guidance on how grantees can ensure that the results achieved can be maintained after the project ends. Sustainability should be integrated into the definition and planning stage and be a consideration for all outputs and outcomes achieved during the project.

Introduction to Sustainability in International Development

Sustainability and Transition Plans

  • Guide for Developing Sustainability and Transition Plans – Version 2.0 | The Guide for Developing Sustainability and Transition Plans – Version 2.0 is a tool that was created under the USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project for project leaders to co-develop sustainability and transition plans (S&T) with in-country stakeholders such as Ministries of Health (MOHs), universities, etc. through policy dialogue and high-level, boardroom-style meetings.

Sustainability for Workers' Rights Programs

  • ILAB Sustainability Guide | This Sustainability Guide is intended to serve a resource to ILAB project managers and Grantees in their efforts to ensure that valuable development gains are sustained once project funding ends. ILAB’s Management Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for Cooperative Agreements establish clear expectations for sustaining achievements after project funding ends. The MPG states that “strategies should explain how the project’s specific outcomes will be sustained after the project ends.”
  • Indicators and Monitoring for Sustainability | This report by Mathematica based on a synthesis review of OTLA project evaluations provides guidance for incorporating sustainability into indicators and project monitoring (starting on page 6).