This library includes a set of tools and guides that can be used to inform MEL systems and the creation of theories of change. 

GESI Toolkits

  • Integrating Gender and Social Inclusion into Counter-Trafficking Programming Toolkit | This Toolkit was developed by a team of gender and social inclusion experts using a participatory process under the USAID Asia Counter-Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) project. The Toolkit responds to the needs of practitioners to strengthen how they work on GESI in the safe migration and trafficking in persons (TIP) initiatives. The principles within this Toolkit can be relevant for workers’ rights projects.
  • GESI Toolkit for Networks for Peace Project Partners | This Toolkit is designed for use by grant partners on a USAID funded project as a roadmap for incorporating GESI considerations into their work. This roadmap aims to help partners set goals in an action plan to improve internal and external inclusion activities and can be applied to workers’ rights projects. 
  • Racial Equity Toolkit | The Racial Equity Toolkit is designed to support staff and partners to operationalize racial equity throughout their collective impact work. Through a mix of personal reflection exercises, conversations, and activities, this toolkit will help teams explore how centering racial equity can advance their strategies, build understanding, strengthen relationships, and support in reaching their collective goals.

Political Economy Analysis

Collective Action

  • Collective Action in USAID Programming | This page provides a definition of collective action and explains how it differs from other forms of collaboration and also links to several other related resources to help grantees gain an understanding of the concept.
  • Collective Impact Resources – FSG | This webpage contains a set of resources related to collective impact. Collective impact is a powerful new approach to cross-sector collaboration that is achieving measurable effects on major social issues.