The Data Collection resource library provides guidance on collecting qualitative and quantitative MEL data, including ensuring data collected is high quality and follows best practices for ethical data collection and do no harm principles. This library also includes guidance for collecting and analyzing data on marginalized groups as well as on topics related to worker rights (including organizational capacity), which may be relevant for mapping to ILAB’s Standard Outcome Indicators.
Data Collection Methods
- Data Collection Methods and Tools for Performance Monitoring |This resource covers the basics of data collection for performance monitoring, including: primary and secondary types of data sources, common data collection methods, and the process of identifying appropriate data collection tools.
- Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide | This field guide is based on an approach to doing team-based, collaborative qualitative research that has repeatedly proven successful in research projects sponsored by Family Health International (FHI) throughout the developing world.
- Participant-Based Survey Sampling Guide for Feed the Future Annual Monitoring Indicators | This guide provides technical guidance on the design and use of participant-based surveys (PaBSs) to support the collection of data for annual monitoring indicators. PaBSs are conducted among a sample of the population that participates in a project’s interventions. This is in contrast to population-based surveys (PBSs), which are conducted among a sample of the entire population living within a project’s area of coverage.
- A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping | This participatory data collection method is designed to capture the impact of complex programs and collaborative processes. Well-suited for evaluating group-focused efforts, Ripple Effects Mapping involves aspects of Appreciative Inquiry, mind mapping, facilitated discussion, and qualitative data analysis.
Data Quality Assessment
- Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool – User Manual, MEASURE Evaluation| The RDQA tool verifies the quality of reported data and assesses the underlying data management and reporting systems for standard program-level output indicators.
- Routine Data Quality Assessment (RDQA) Suggested Format, DOL | This is a spreadsheet for a suggested format of completing an RDQA provided by DOL.
- How to Conduct a Data Quality Assessment (DQA) | This guide provides an introduction to data quality assessments. The purpose of a DQA is to ensure that those overseeing an activity are aware of the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of their performance data as well as the extent to which the data can be trusted to influence management decisions.
Ethical Data Collection
- Trauma Informed and Ethical Data Collection | This site provides guidance on how to take a trauma informed approach to data collection. A trauma informed approach to evaluation recognizes that power dynamics exist within all levels - design, data collection, analysis, and storytelling strategies. While this site is focused on collecting data from survivors of domestic violence, many of these principles can be applied to other populations that may have undergone traumatic situations in the workplace.
- M&E and Ethics | This Short Cut illustrates the inherent challenges and often conflicting responsibilities that accompany monitoring and evaluation (M&E) work. Recognizing that there are no standard, or even easy, answers to ethical challenges that arise, M&E and Ethics provides a framework for resolving these challenges by recognizing our responsibilities, highlighting ethical principles, and reflecting on and addressing ethical concerns with stakeholders during the planning phase.
- The Do No Harm Handbook | The DO NO HARM “Analytical Framework” was developed from the programming experience of many assistance workers. It provides a tool for mapping the interactions of assistance and conflict and can be used to plan, monitor and evaluate both humanitarian and development assistance programs.
Data Collection for Workers' Rights Projects
- Trade and decent work: Indicator Handbook | This guide provides analytical tools which can be used to support further research on trade and decent work. It offers a broad set of labor market indicators for trade policy assessment that can be used in studies on the nexus between trade and employment, labor relations, and working terms and conditions.
- Pact Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) Handbook | The Pact OCA approach acknowledges that organizations are the owners of their development process. The OCA tool is participatory by nature and joins members from all levels of an organization, whenever possible, creating a space for sharing, analyzing, and making judgments about organizational performance. This document provides grantees with the information they need to understand how the Pact OCA works, and how best to incorporate it in their project.
- Pact Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) Handbook | Pact’s ONA is a diagnostic tool that can be used with and through local stakeholders to map a network, understand the relationships between different actors. It provides a forum for coordination, collaboration, and mutual goal-setting. This document provides grantees guidance on how the ONA works, and how to incorporate it into their projects.
- MSH Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT) | The Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool can be utilized for the development of baseline and periodic capacity assessments of an organization, helping users to measure how an organization’s capacity changes over time. This document is a “user-guide” intended to guide facilitators through the process of using the Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool to assess organizational capacity.
- Introducing TU-CapSAT PowerPoint | This PowerPoint provides an overview of Solidarity Center’s Trade Union Capacity Assessment process. This assessment can be used by projects to assess the capacity of trade unions during project implementation.