Reports and Publications

ILAB conducts and funds rigorous research using a variety of methods and uses the results to inform the design and implementation of policy and programs. We research worker livelihoods and the violation of worker rights, including the prevalence of child labor and occurrence of forced labor around the world.

We also sponsor qualitative studies, quantitative surveys, impact evaluations, and other research products to study worker livelihoods, the incidences and root causes of child labor and worker rights violations, and the effectiveness of particular policies and projects. These studies advance our understanding of why program strategies work or do not work, identify the most effective policy approaches, provide information to strengthen enforcement efforts, and compile new data on workers and child laborers.


Title Release Year

2022 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor


ILAB Synthesis Review


Independent Impact Evaluation for the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia Project

<p>This report describes in detail the final impact evaluation of the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia project. IMPAQ International, LLC, conducted an independent evaluation in collaboration with the project team and stakeholders and prepared the evaluation report according to the terms specified in its contract with the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs and the DOL Chief Evaluation Office. IMPAQ would like to express sincere thanks to all the parties involved for their support and valuable contributions.&nbsp;</p>


Standing Up for Workers: Promoting Labor Rights Through Trade


Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act


Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act


Labor Rights Report - Colombia


Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act


Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act


Labor Rights Report - Colombia

Showing 1 - 10 of 21 results