Reports and Publications
ILAB conducts and funds rigorous research using a variety of methods and uses the results to inform the design and implementation of policy and programs. We research worker livelihoods and the violation of worker rights, including the prevalence of child labor and occurrence of forced labor around the world.
We also sponsor qualitative studies, quantitative surveys, impact evaluations, and other research products to study worker livelihoods, the incidences and root causes of child labor and worker rights violations, and the effectiveness of particular policies and projects. These studies advance our understanding of why program strategies work or do not work, identify the most effective policy approaches, provide information to strengthen enforcement efforts, and compile new data on workers and child laborers.
Title | Release Year |
List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor | 2024 |
Ugandan Labor Migrants to the Middle East: Labor Conditions - Final Report
<p><span style="font-family:"Aptos",sans-serif;font-size:12.0pt;">This study describes the work conditions and living experiences of Ugandan overseas labor migrants in the Middle East. It draws from a survey sample of 843 migrants recruited using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) and cognitive interviews with a subset of the sample. The report provides an estimate of the rate of forced labor among this population.</span></p> |
2024 |
Ugandan Labor Migrants to the Middle East: Methodology Study - Final Report
<p>This study provides insights into how the wording and order of forced labor questions affect survey findings. The report provides recommendations regarding the measurement of forced labor through surveys.</p> |
2024 |
OCFT Cocoa/Fishing Synthesis Report | 2022 |
Progress in Implementing Chapter 16 (Labor) and Capacity-Building under the Dominican Republic – Central America – United States Free Trade Agreement – Fourth Report | 2021 |
ILAB Synthesis Review | 2020 |
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Labor Rights Report | 2019 |
Report on the U.S. Employment Impact of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement | 2019 |
Work-Related Violence Research Project: Overview and Survey Module and Focus Group Findings (Central America)
<p>The objective of this Final End of Project Report is to summarize the development and field testing of a new module on survey questions and focus group protocols on the topic of workrelated violence (WRV), for use in Central America. This document is submitted in fulfillment of the final requirement ("Submittal 3") of the Purchase Order DOL-OPS-15-P-00239, which is cofunded by USDOL ILAB and CEO. </p> |
2017 |
List of Products Produced by Forced or Indentured Child Labor | 2016 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2015-01 (Peru) | 2016 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2015-04 (Mexico) | 2016 |
Independent Impact Evaluation for the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia Project
<p>This report describes in detail the final impact evaluation of the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia project. IMPAQ International, LLC, conducted an independent evaluation in collaboration with the project team and stakeholders and prepared the evaluation report according to the terms specified in its contract with the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs and the DOL Chief Evaluation Office. IMPAQ would like to express sincere thanks to all the parties involved for their support and valuable contributions. </p> |
2016 |
Understanding Children's Work and Youth Employment Outcomes in Laos | 2015 |
Progress in Implementing Capacity-Building Provisions under the Labor Chapter of the Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement (Third Biennial) | 2015 |
Standing Up for Workers: Promoting Labor Rights Through Trade | 2015 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2012-01 (Honduras) | 2015 |
Final Report: Survey Research on Child Labor in West African Cocoa Growing Areas | 2015 |
Informe Nacional Sobre el Trabajo Infantil y el Empleo Juvenil | 2014 |
Improving Labor Inspection Systems: Design Options | 2014 |
Human Resource Practices for Labor Inspectorates in Developing Countries | 2014 |
Magnitud y Características del Trabajo Infantil en Chile - Informe 2013 | 2013 |
Report on National Child Labour Survey 2011-2012 | 2013 |
Report on the National Child Labour Survey 2010 of Lao PDR | 2013 |
Survey Research on Child Labor in West African Cocoa Growing Areas: CLCCG Meeting and Stakeholder Briefing, Washington DC, 03/12/2013 | 2013 |
Survey To Estimate Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in Bekasi Region Of West Java, Indonesia in 2012 | 2013 |
The National Labor Force and Child Activities Survey 2011/12 | 2013 |
Trabajo Infantil En Guatemala, de la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida - Encovi 2011 | 2013 |
Business and the Fight Against Child Labour - Experience from India, Brazil and South Africa | 2013 |
Children Working in the Carpet Industry in India, Nepal and Pakistan: Labor Demand Study | 2013 |
Children Working in the Carpet Industry in India, Nepal and Pakistan: Programs and Practices Review | 2013 |
Children Working in the Carpet Industry in India, Nepal and Pakistan: Summary Report on the Carpet Research Project | 2013 |
Comprendre le Travail des Enfants et l'Emploi des Jeunes au Togo | 2013 |
Ending Child Labor in Domestic Work and Protecting Young Workers from Abusive Working Conditions | 2013 |
Entendiendo los Resultados del Trabajo Infantil y el Empleo Juvenil en El Salvador | 2013 |
Expanding the Evidence Base and Reinforcing Policy Research for Scaling-up and Accelerating Action against Child Labor | 2013 |
Forced Labor of Adults and Children in the Agriculture Sector of Nepal | 2013 |
Magnitud y Características del Trabajo Infantil y Adolescente en el Paraguay | 2013 |
Prevalence and Conditions (PC) Study of Child Labor in India: Report & Dataset | 2013 |
Prevalence and Conditions (PC) Study of Child Labor in Nepal: Report & Dataset | 2013 |
Prevalence and Conditions (PC) Study of Child Labor in Pakistan: Report & Dataset | 2013 |
Schooling Incentives Project Evaluation (SIPE) Study in Nepal: Report & Dataset | 2013 |
Sending Areas (SA) Study in Nepal: Report & Dataset | 2013 |
Understanding Children's Work and Youth Employment Outcomes in Uganda | 2013 |
Understanding Children's Work in Albania | 2013 |
Working Children in the Republic of Yemen: the Results of the 2010 National Child Labor Survey | 2013 |
Child Labor Community Engagement Toolkit: Best Practices and Resource Materials Drawn from the REACH Project | 2013 |
Informal Worker Organizing as a Strategy for Improving Subcontracted Work in the Textile and Apparel Industries of Brazil, South Africa, India and China | 2013 |
International Trade and Household Businesses: Evidence from Vietnam | 2013 |
2013 Annual Report of the Child Labor Cocoa Coordinating Group | 2013 |
Principles in International Development: Sustainable Livelihoods and Human Rights Based Approaches | 2013 |
What Policy Guidance Does the Literature Provide on the Relationship between School Quality and Child Labor? | 2013 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2013 |
Assessment of Ethiopia's Labor Inspection System | 2013 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2011-03 (Dominican Republic) | 2013 |
Encuesta de Trabajo Infantil Panama 2010 | 2012 |
Working Children in the Republic of Albania | 2012 |
Bangladesh: In-Country Research and Data Collection on Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Production of Goods | 2012 |
Child Domestic Labor in Egypt | 2012 |
Child Labor in Agriculture in the Northern Province of Rwanda | 2012 |
Child Labor in Domestic Service ("Restaveks") In Port-au-Prince, Haiti | 2012 |
Child Labor in the Informal Garment Production in Bangladesh | 2012 |
Child Labor in the Small-Scale Gold Mining Industry in Suriname | 2012 |
Child Labor in the Sugarcane Industry in Paraguay | 2012 |
Child Labor in the Tea Sector (Case Study) | 2012 |
Magnitud y Características del Trabajo Infantil y Adolescente en Costa Rica - Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO) 2011 | 2012 |
Pilot Survey 2010: Working Children in Dry Fish Industry in Bangladesh | 2012 |
Report on Child Labour in Liberia 2010 | 2012 |
Urban Child Labor in Port-au-Prince, Haiti | 2012 |
Working Children in Agriculture in Haiti, Sud Department | 2012 |
Working Children in Egypt: Results of the 2010 National Child Labour Survey | 2012 |
Experimental Estimates of the Impact of Malaria Treatment on Agricultural Worker Productivity, Labor Supply and Earnings | 2012 |
Isolation or Opportunity? Experimental Analysis of a Housing Program for Urban Slum Dwellers in India | 2012 |
Preventive or Curative Treatment of Malaria? Evidence from Agricultural Workers in Nigeria | 2012 |
Working Conditions and Product Quality: Evidence from Carpet Industry in Pakistan, India, and Nepal | 2012 |
2012 Annual Report of the Child Labor Cocoa Coordinating Group | 2012 |
Overview of New ILAB-Sponsored Research Papers on Worker Rights and Livelihoods | 2012 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2012 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2010-03 (Peru) | 2012 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2011-01 (Bahrain) | 2012 |
Haitian Construction Workers in the Dominican Republic: an Exploratory Study on Indicators of Forced Labor | 2012 |
Nepal Child Labour Report | 2011 |
Child Activity Survey, Sri Lanka (2008/09) | 2011 |
Child Labor in the Fishing Industry in Uganda | 2011 |
Dinámica del Trabajo Infantil en la República Dominicana 2009-2010 | 2011 |
Magnitud Y Características del Trabajo Infantil en Uruguay: Informe Nacional 2010 | 2011 |
Pakistan: In-Country Research and Data Collection on Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Production of Goods | 2011 |
Peru: In-Country Research and Data Collection on Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Production of Goods | 2011 |
Rapport de l'Enquête Nationale sur le Travail et la Traite des Enfants en Guinée de 2010 | 2011 |
Sierra Leone: In-Country Research and Data Collection on Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Production of Goods | 2011 |
Situation Analysis on Child Labor in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar | 2011 |
Understanding the Brazilian Success in Reducing Child Labor: Empirical Evidence and Policy Lessons, Drawing Policy Lessons from the Brazilian Experience | 2011 |
Comparative Case Analysis of the Impacts of Trade-Related Labor Provisions on Select U.S. Trade Preference Recipient Countries | 2011 |
Designing Microfinance to Enable Consumption Smoothing: Evidence from India | 2011 |
Do Community-Based Interventions Improve Risk Sharing? Evidence from Malawi | 2011 |
Formulating and Aggregating Indicators of Labor Rights Compliance - Appendix A | 2011 |
Formulating and Aggregating Indicators of Labor Rights Compliance - Appendix B | 2011 |
Formulating and Aggregating Indicators of Labor Rights Compliance - Appendix C | 2011 |
Formulating and Aggregating Indicators of Labor Rights Compliance - Executive Summary | 2011 |
Longer Run Effects of a Seasonal Migration Program in Bangladesh (Author's update - December 2011) | 2011 |
Refining the NAS-ILAB Matrix - Literature Review | 2011 |
Refining the NAS-ILAB Matrix - Literature Review - Appendix A | 2011 |
Refining the NAS-ILAB Matrix - Literature Review - Appendix B | 2011 |
Refining the NAS-ILAB Matrix - Literature Review - Appendix C | 2011 |
Why do Households Fail to Engage in Profitable Migration? (Author's update - December 2011) | 2011 |
2011 Annual Report of the Child Labor Cocoa Coordinating Group | 2011 |
Overview of the ILAB-OTLA Contract Research Program on Livelihoods and Consumption Smoothing | 2011 |
Labor Rights Report - Colombia | 2011 |
Labor Rights Report - Panama | 2011 |
Labor Rights Report - South Korea | 2011 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Colombia | 2011 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Panama | 2011 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - South Korea | 2011 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement | 2011 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement | 2011 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-South Korea Trade Promotion Agreement | 2011 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2011 |
Baseline Assessment on Child Labor in Seven Districts | 2010 |
Le Travail des Enfants en Cote d'Ivoire | 2010 |
FDI, Trade in Services, and Employment and Wages in U.S. Service Industry Firms | 2010 |
Trade in Services and U.S. Service Industry Employment and Wages | 2010 |
Analyzing the Impact of Trade in Services on the U.S. Labor Market: The Response of Service Sector Employment to Exchange Rate Changes | 2010 |
Employment Impacts of Globalization: The Impact of Service Offshoring on Displaced Workers Post-displacement Outcomes | 2010 |
Formulating and Aggregating Indicators of Labor Rights Compliance | 2010 |
The Impact of Core Labor Rights on Wages and Employment in Developing Countries: the Rights to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining | 2010 |
Trade Agreements and Labor Standards: The Impact of Trade Negotiations on Country Adoption of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining | 2010 |
Adult Returns to Schooling and Children's School Enrollment: Theory and Evidence From South Africa (Published in Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 31, 2010, pp. 297-319.) | 2010 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2010 |
Assessment of Vietnam's Labor Inspection System | 2010 |
Fourth Annual Report: Oversight of Public and Private Initiatives to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the Cocoa Sector in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana | 2010 |
India: In-Country Research and Data Collection on Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Production of Goods | 2009 |
Nepal: In-Country Research and Data Collection on Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Production of Goods | 2009 |
Rapport National sur le Travail des Enfants au Cameroun - 2008 | 2009 |
Working Children in Indonesia 2009 | 2009 |
Evaluation of the NAS-ILAB Matrix for Monitoring International Labor Standards | 2009 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2009 |
Progress in Implementing Capacity-Building Provisions under the Labor Chapter of the Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement (First Biennial) | 2009 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2008-01 (Guatemala) | 2009 |
Third Annual Report: Oversight of Public and Private Initiatives to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the Cocoa Sector in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana | 2009 |
Rwanda National Child Labour Survey 2008 | 2008 |
Labor Rights Report - Colombia | 2008 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Colombia | 2008 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement | 2008 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2008 |
A Theory of Exploitative Child Labor (Published in Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 60(1), 2008, pp. 20-41.) | 2008 |
Second Annual Report: Oversight of Public and Private Initiatives to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the Cocoa Sector in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana | 2008 |
Labor Rights Report - Peru | 2007 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Peru | 2007 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement | 2007 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2007 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2005-03 (HIDALGO) | 2007 |
First Annual Report: Oversight of Public and Private Initiatives to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the Cocoa Sector in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana | 2007 |
Labor Rights Report - Oman | 2006 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Oman | 2006 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement | 2006 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2006 |
Labor Rights Report - Bahrain | 2005 |
Labor Rights Report - Central America and the Dominican Republic | 2005 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Bahrain | 2005 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Central America and the Dominican Republic | 2005 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - CAFTA-DR Free Trade Agreement | 2005 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement | 2005 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2005 |
The SIMPOC Philippine Survey of Children 2001: A Data Source for Analyzing Occupational Injuries to Children (Published in Public Health Reports, Vol. 120(6), 2005, pp. 631-641.) | 2005 |
Labor Rights Report - Australia | 2004 |
Labor Rights Report - Morocco | 2004 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Australia | 2004 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Morocco | 2004 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement | 2004 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement | 2004 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2004 |
A Model of Informal Sector Labor Markets | 2004 |
Does Child Labor Decrease when Parental Incomes Rise? (Published in Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 112(4), August 2004, pp. 939-946.) | 2004 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2003-01 (Puebla) | 2004 |
Labor Rights Report - Chile | 2003 |
Labor Rights Report - Singapore | 2003 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Chile | 2003 |
Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor Report - Singapore | 2003 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement | 2003 |
U.S. Employment Impact Review - U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement | 2003 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2003 |
Measuring Child Labor: Implications for Policy and Program Design (Published in Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 24(2), 2003, pp. 401-434.) | 2003 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2002 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2001 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2000-01 (Auto Trim) | 2001 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 2000 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 9901 (TAESA) | 2000 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 1999 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 1998 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 9701 (Gender) | 1998 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 9702 (Han Young) | 1998 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 9703 (Itapsa) | 1998 |
Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act | 1997 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 9601 (SUTSP) | 1997 |
The Apparel Industry and Codes of Conduct: A Solution to the International Child Labor Problem? | 1996 |
Public Report of Review of Submission No. 940003 (Sony) | 1995 |
Public Report of Review of Submissions No. 940001 (Honeywell) and 940002 (General Electric) | 1994 |