Promoting Safe and Healthy Workplaces in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador
The Promoting Safe and Healthy Workplaces in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador (PREP4Change) project seeks to improve occupational safety and health (OSH) conditions for workers in the sugar and garment (maquila) sectors. The project will focus on workplace illnesses and injuries, chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes (CKDnt), and COVID-19.
The Problem
Many agricultural and maquila workers in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador suffer from workplace illnesses and injuries due to poor OSH standards and unacceptable working conditions. Workers, their families, and communities affected by CKDnt and other OSH illnesses and injuries lack social protections and often encounter significant difficulties when seeking care and legal remedies after becoming ill or injured at work. This particularly affects workers from underserved communities, including Afro-descendant, Garifuna, rural, and indigenous communities.
Our Strategy
To improve OSH conditions for workers in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, PREP4Change will:
- Work with employers, workers, and government institutions to increase prevention, mitigation, and remediation of workplace illness and injuries;
- Increase the use of existing social protection systems by workers and families impacted by workplace illnesses and injuries; and
- Increase preparedness of employers, unions, and government institutions for future pandemics and emerging illnesses and injuries.
- Grantee:
- La Isla Network
- Implementing Partners:
- Asociación de Azucareros del Istmo Centroamericano (AICA), CNV International, Fair Labor Association, Mayan Health Alliance (Wuqu’ Kawoq), University of El Salvador, World Vision International
- Contact Information:
- (202) 693-4900 / Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (OTLA)
- Tags:
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Afro-descendant
- Agriculture
- Capacity-Building
- Central America
- Chronic Kidney Disease of non-traditional causes (CKDnt)
- COVID-19
- Employers
- Garifuna
- Government
- Indigenous Communities
- Labor Rights
- Maquila/Garment
- Occupational Safety & Health (OSH)
- Private Sector
- rural
- Sugarcane
- Supply Chains
- Workers