
Monitoring plan, communication and sustainability strategies. The development of a monitoring and evaluation plan, a sustainability and exit strategy, and both complemented by a communication plan, represents noteworthy, good practices in project management. Developing a monitoring and evaluation plan is a beneficial practice that promotes continuous monitoring of project progress and evaluation of its results and impacts. Developing a sustainability and exit strategy is important to ensure that the benefits and results of a project are sustained and evolve after the project has concluded. Finally, designing and implementing a communication plan enhances the visibility of the project, engages stakeholders, and garners public and private support for the project's initiatives. The project employed specific good practices to ensure stakeholder involvement and ownership, including early and continuous engagement through consultations, inclusive planning workshops, the establishment of a stakeholder advisory committee, capacity-building, joint implementation teams, and transparent communication channels. These practices contribute to ensure the project's alignment with local priorities as well as responsiveness to stakeholder needs.
Country Evaluation Type Language


Learning Type

Promising Practice
