
There is room for improved communication about project results and strategies. Another lesson learned is that there is a need to better communicate project results and strategies. Firstly, the evaluators noted that the project's technical progress reports are extensive but primarily descriptive, lacking critical analysis. As a result, they do not effectively showcase the project's achievements in terms of tangible results. Furthermore, it was observed that merely reading the project document, the technical progress reports and the project´s communication material does not suffice to fully grasp the project's orientation and strategy. The project exhibits some notable features, including a strong participatory approach, a focus on capacity building and skills transfer to project partners, and a commitment to generating ownership and sustainability of the project amongst key stakeholders. Despite these positive attributes, the project's implementation strategy, results, and orientation towards sustainability remain somewhat unclear. Moreover, the project partners do not necessarily understand the bigger picture of the project, beyond the activities in which they are directly involved.
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Learning Type

Lesson Learned
