
Challenges in early project implementation: insights from the Vision Zero Fund project initiatives. An important lesson learned is that implementing core project activities for US Department of Labor-funded and Vision Zero Fund-implemented projects in the first year can be challenging due to extensive preparatory requirements. These requirements include developing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan and conducting Vision Zero Fund's occupational safety and health drivers and constraints study. Although projects may begin implementation with an approved results framework and activity mapping, activities requiring baseline data collection must wait until indicators are developed and data collection instruments are approved. US Department of Labor's Bureau of International Labor Affairs made several attempts to accelerate progress by requesting a specific/actionable activity mapping and results framework, with the understanding that changes might occur based on stakeholder feedback. However, specifics were only available near the conclusion of the occupational safety and health drivers and constraints study. The International Labor Organization and Vision Zero Fund project teams must streamline these preparatory processes to reduce delays and enable a timelier start to project activities. The International Labor Organization and Vision Zero Fund project teams must streamline these preparatory processes in order reduce delays and enable a timelier start to project activities.
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