
The interventions also contributed to desirable changes in participants’ behaviors other than the primary targets. The project’s interventions are multiple, and in some cases, the participants receive training in more than one area. For example, the social analysis and action discussion, gender equity and diversity training, and leadership and life skills training were offered to nearly all groups of participants with few exceptions. In the case of the Village Savings and Loan Association group, saving is primarily the main objective of the intervention. Still, after saving, they have accessed loans and started income-generating activities (e.g., engaging in petty trades). Their engagement in income-generating activities improved the economic conditions of the participants. Besides, the intervention helped them to go out and engage in social activities. While they do this, the women themselves confirm that they have started to wear clean clothes, and to take care of their personal hygiene. Besides, the meeting has served as the women’s leisure time to socialize. Many women did not have this experience before and because of this they report that they are happier. More importantly, the Village Savings and Loan Association group members have developed strong solidarity among themselves. In particular, when they feel a member needs the group’s support, they set a date, and every group member spends the whole day working on their fellow Village Savings and Loan Association member’s farm, for example. In a particular arrangement (known as “dado” in Ilu’Ababor), every group member comes with her food and drinks for the day and spends the day supporting the member. Other groups also report similar desirable behavioral changes. For example, many adolescent girls (could be technical and vocational training graduates or Adolescent village Saving Association members) reported that the leadership and life skills training has boosted not only their self-esteem and self-confidence, but they can now speak their minds in front of other people and discuss a problem with family members or friends to get a solution before it is too late. Such changes in behaviors of the participants are attributable to the interventions of the She Thrives project.
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Learning Type

Promising Practice
