
Working with implementing partners with rich and relevant experience. An additional good or promising practice is the fact that the She Thrives project recruited two implementing partners, one in Oromia (Ilu Women Children Integrated Development Association) and another in the South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (Reach the Needy-Ethiopia) which implement interventions of the project. The partners have been implementing projects for a very long time in Oromia and the South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region and have rich experience. Because of their presence in the two regions for a long time, they are well-known and trusted by the communities. The implementing partners have assigned one officer in each district who oversees the project’s activities within the district and one staff member in each ward, who are very close to the project participants. The participants have at least one person representing the project in their ward, and they can easily communicate with the project staff about anything, including questions they have and challenges they face. That promoted good communication and understanding between the project and the communities and created a good atmosphere that made smooth implementation of the project possible. The evaluation team found this a promising practice that could be shared with other projects.
Country Evaluation Type Language


Learning Type

Promising Practice
