
Community members can be deeply motivated to help resolve issues that plague their communities, particularly when they receive information and training that underscores the consequences. The evaluation team saw evidence of this motivation among members of the Committees for Child Protection who are charged with monitoring and raising awareness around child labor in their communities. It is unfair, however, to rely on that motivation alone to expect community members to carry out taxing and costly work on a persistent basis. Even those with the motivation to make their communities better typically need, and deserve, incentives to carry on the effort. Committees for Child Protection members receive vests and materials to facilitate the awareness campaigns they lead, but they take on costs in time, effort, transportation, and other expenses. For the important work of community groups like Committees for Child Protection to continue in a sustainable manner, it is important to build in mechanisms for revenue generation at the group level that can provide the incentive for ongoing commitment among their members.
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Learning Type

Lesson Learned
