
Frequent and transparent communication that facilitates stakeholders' active engagement and participation. Throughout implementation SENDEROS has been communicating frequently and transparently with project stakeholders. All interventions were developed in consultation with each of the stakeholders before implementation began. This approach helped stakeholders better understand the purpose of the work, ensure that the actions respond to their needs, and create space for suggesting adjustments. Their voices were heard, and their opinions were incorporated into the activities. Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social (Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare) is perhaps the most relevant example, but SENDEROS has also applied this strategy to its work with private sector stakeholders and workers, albeit in a more limited way. Throughout implementation, SENDEROS has facilitated effective communication with stakeholders by reading the moment and understanding their existing capacities. This collaborative, communicative approach helps stakeholders understand that it is better to work together and solve issues in a proactive and organized manner by receiving technical assistance from the project.
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Learning Type

Promising Practice
