
Scheduling workers’ training during meals or breaks to better facilitate their learning. In the case of the sugarcane sector, the time of day that training sessions were scheduled presented a particular challenge for the project. Technical training sessions often take place at the beginning of harvesting activities, while other work sessions may take place at the end of the day once harvesting activities are complete. SENDEROS consulted with different partners, including farm workers, on the best time to conduct training and learned that workers pay more attention when the sessions are short and take place during break times associated with meals directly at the cutting fronts. This benefits the farm workers in two ways: on the one hand, it allows them to directly connect the topics with the farm work and motivates the participation of all the workers present on the site; and on the other hand, by using rest and relaxation times, it facilitates the workers' full concentration and better understanding of the topics addressed.
Country Evaluation Type Language


Learning Type

Promising Practice
