
Tailored solutions and close collaboration enhance trust and ownership by private sector stakeholders and facilitate progress toward the expected outcomes. Stakeholders are more likely to trust the project when they see the specific, relevant,and practical approaches and products the project delivers—in contrast to those designed from a desk, without adequate attention to the unique context of the operating environment or the needs of their intended users. With the private sector, for example, supply chain due diligence tools were designed to respond to each stakeholder’s needs and the unique characteristics of each supply chain, rather than attempting to homogenize them across the board. This approach takes time because it involves carefully listening to stakeholders, then producing tailored solutions based on the companies’ needs. The interim assessment found that this process is key to advancing towards the project’s expected outcomes. This approach has proven to be effective with Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social (Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare) and workers as well. The way that SENDEROS listened to Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social and tailored solutions to address their needs has enhanced the level of trust between the project and the agency. The project acknowledges that dealing with complex situations requires building a foundation of trust among partners and key stakeholders, which can only be achieved through close collaboration over time.
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Lesson Learned
