ILAB-funded technical assistance projects produce a large body of knowledge and resources, including toolkits, project reports, training manuals, and implementation guides. These resources produced by ILAB’s grantees are presented here in a searchable online library so that they may help support and inform current and future projects to end abusive labor practices worldwide.
Project Resource Documents Search Results
Showing 1 - 10 of 107Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Aprendamos Sobre Trabajo Infantil
Show Description
Let's Learn About Child Labor: This presentation raises awareness on the worst forms of child labor, children's right to protected work, platforms for identification and reporting, and highlights the inter-institutional committee for the eradication of child labor. |
Pact |
The Vamos Tejiendo Project: We Must Create Safe Environments for Women
Show Description
It is critical to talk about gender-based violence as a major barrier to women's autonomy and development. Globally, one out of every three women over 15 years of age has suffered some type of violence by her partner, another aggressor or both, according to WHO data... |
Pact |
Rapid Assessment of COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness in Mining Communities in Colombia
Show Description
Between March and April 2021, Pact conducted a rapid assessment in Colombia as part of a more extensive exercise to determine community awareness of COVID-19 and acceptance and accessibility of the COVID-19 vaccine. The assessment was conducted in three Colombian towns (San Martin de Loba, El Bagre, and Zaragoza), where Pact implements development programs focusing on rural and vulnerable communities. Residents in these communities engage in the informal mining sector, making them among the most marginalized and vital models for the success of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts. |
Pact |
Acceso al agua para reducir el trabajo infantil en zonas rurales: Un aporte a la innovación tecnológica en la agricultura Marzo (OFFSIDE)
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This document presents the main findings of a June-November 2020 study by the OFFSIDE (ILO) project assessing the impacts of water access interventions (undertaken by the ProHuerta Programme) on the organization of work in family agriculture. Specifically, this study examined the ways that improved access to water contributed to the prevention of child labor, especially in the agricultural and rural sector. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
La tolerancia social del trabajo infantil: un desafío para las políticas públicas de prevención y erradicación
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A two (2) page factsheet summarizing the role that social acceptance of child labor plays in perpetuating it, both in general and specifically in Argentina. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
El rol de la protección social frente al trabajo infantil
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A two (2) page factsheet summarizing the role that social protection systems play in preventing and eradicating child labor, and describing a selection of social protection policies in Argentina. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Access to water and rural child labor
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A one-page infographic summarizing the findings of a June-November 2020 study by the OFFSIDE (ILO) project assessing the impacts of water access interventions (undertaken by the ProHuerta Programme) on the organization of work in family agriculture. Specifically, this study examined the ways that improved access to water contributed to the prevention of child labor, especially in the agricultural and rural sector. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Trabajo Infantil en El Sector Café en Colombia - Síntesis
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Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia - This document is a synthesis of the "Study of Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia." The document is divided into five sections. The first section presents the concepts associated with child labor, the current regulatory framework, and the scope and limitations of the study. The second section summarizes the methodology designed and applied in the study. The third section describes the characteristics of the children and adolescents and their households, as well as their participation in coffee activities; the risks of child labor in the sector; and the actors' perspective. The fourth section analyzes and discusses the causes and implications of child labor for the coffee sector; the causes of the participation of children and adolescents in coffee activities ;and the characteristics of the recreational and extracurricular opportunities for children and adolescents. The final part of the paper presents the public policy recommendations that emerge from the study's findings. |
Partners of the Americas |
Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia - Synthesis
Show Description
This document is a synthesis of the "Study of Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia." The document is divided into five sections. The first section presents the concepts associated with child labor, the current regulatory framework, and the scope and limitations of the study. The second section summarizes the methodology designed and applied in the study. The third section describes the characteristics of the children and adolescents and their households, as well as their participation in coffee activities; the risks of child labor in the sector; and the actors' perspective. The fourth section analyzes and discusses the causes and implications of child labor for the coffee sector; the causes of the participation of children and adolescents in coffee activities ;and the characteristics of the recreational and extracurricular opportunities for children and adolescents. The final part of the paper presents the public policy recommendations that emerge from the study's findings. |
Partners of the Americas |
Technical Document on Child Labor In The Coffee Sector Derived From, “Study Of Child Labor in The Coffee Sector In Colombia,” Carried Out by the Center for Regional Coffee and Business Research
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This document is a technical summary report derived from the Study produced by CRECE in 2020, which describes its main findings on child labor. It is important to mention that this Study was the Colombia Avanza project ́s first approach in its analysis of the participation of children and adolescents in the production of coffee in Colombia. |
Partners of the Americas |
Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Aprendamos Sobre Trabajo Infantil
Show Description
Let's Learn About Child Labor: This presentation raises awareness on the worst forms of child labor, children's right to protected work, platforms for identification and reporting, and highlights the inter-institutional committee for the eradication of child labor. |
Pact |
The Vamos Tejiendo Project: We Must Create Safe Environments for Women
Show Description
It is critical to talk about gender-based violence as a major barrier to women's autonomy and development. Globally, one out of every three women over 15 years of age has suffered some type of violence by her partner, another aggressor or both, according to WHO data... |
Pact |
Rapid Assessment of COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness in Mining Communities in Colombia
Show Description
Between March and April 2021, Pact conducted a rapid assessment in Colombia as part of a more extensive exercise to determine community awareness of COVID-19 and acceptance and accessibility of the COVID-19 vaccine. The assessment was conducted in three Colombian towns (San Martin de Loba, El Bagre, and Zaragoza), where Pact implements development programs focusing on rural and vulnerable communities. Residents in these communities engage in the informal mining sector, making them among the most marginalized and vital models for the success of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts. |
Pact |
Acceso al agua para reducir el trabajo infantil en zonas rurales: Un aporte a la innovación tecnológica en la agricultura Marzo (OFFSIDE)
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This document presents the main findings of a June-November 2020 study by the OFFSIDE (ILO) project assessing the impacts of water access interventions (undertaken by the ProHuerta Programme) on the organization of work in family agriculture. Specifically, this study examined the ways that improved access to water contributed to the prevention of child labor, especially in the agricultural and rural sector. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
La tolerancia social del trabajo infantil: un desafío para las políticas públicas de prevención y erradicación
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A two (2) page factsheet summarizing the role that social acceptance of child labor plays in perpetuating it, both in general and specifically in Argentina. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
El rol de la protección social frente al trabajo infantil
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A two (2) page factsheet summarizing the role that social protection systems play in preventing and eradicating child labor, and describing a selection of social protection policies in Argentina. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Access to water and rural child labor
Show Description
A one-page infographic summarizing the findings of a June-November 2020 study by the OFFSIDE (ILO) project assessing the impacts of water access interventions (undertaken by the ProHuerta Programme) on the organization of work in family agriculture. Specifically, this study examined the ways that improved access to water contributed to the prevention of child labor, especially in the agricultural and rural sector. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Trabajo Infantil en El Sector Café en Colombia - Síntesis
Show Description
Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia - This document is a synthesis of the "Study of Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia." The document is divided into five sections. The first section presents the concepts associated with child labor, the current regulatory framework, and the scope and limitations of the study. The second section summarizes the methodology designed and applied in the study. The third section describes the characteristics of the children and adolescents and their households, as well as their participation in coffee activities; the risks of child labor in the sector; and the actors' perspective. The fourth section analyzes and discusses the causes and implications of child labor for the coffee sector; the causes of the participation of children and adolescents in coffee activities ;and the characteristics of the recreational and extracurricular opportunities for children and adolescents. The final part of the paper presents the public policy recommendations that emerge from the study's findings. |
Partners of the Americas |
Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia - Synthesis
Show Description
This document is a synthesis of the "Study of Child Labor in the Coffee Sector in Colombia." The document is divided into five sections. The first section presents the concepts associated with child labor, the current regulatory framework, and the scope and limitations of the study. The second section summarizes the methodology designed and applied in the study. The third section describes the characteristics of the children and adolescents and their households, as well as their participation in coffee activities; the risks of child labor in the sector; and the actors' perspective. The fourth section analyzes and discusses the causes and implications of child labor for the coffee sector; the causes of the participation of children and adolescents in coffee activities ;and the characteristics of the recreational and extracurricular opportunities for children and adolescents. The final part of the paper presents the public policy recommendations that emerge from the study's findings. |
Partners of the Americas |
Technical Document on Child Labor In The Coffee Sector Derived From, “Study Of Child Labor in The Coffee Sector In Colombia,” Carried Out by the Center for Regional Coffee and Business Research
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This document is a technical summary report derived from the Study produced by CRECE in 2020, which describes its main findings on child labor. It is important to mention that this Study was the Colombia Avanza project ́s first approach in its analysis of the participation of children and adolescents in the production of coffee in Colombia. |
Partners of the Americas |