ILAB-funded technical assistance projects produce a large body of knowledge and resources, including toolkits, project reports, training manuals, and implementation guides. These resources produced by ILAB’s grantees are presented here in a searchable online library so that they may help support and inform current and future projects to end abusive labor practices worldwide.
Project Resource Documents Search Results
Showing 41 - 50 of 190Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Resumen ejecutivo: trabajo infantil y dinámicas familiares
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An executive summary of a study that analyzes understanding of child labor, characterizes child labor in the context of access to education and leisure, and describes family reproduction strategies and how these factors have an impact on child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Executive summary: child labour and family dynamics
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An executive summary of a study that analyzes understanding of child labor, characterizes child labor in the context of access to education and leisure, and describes family reproduction strategies and how these factors have an impact on child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Trabajo infantil y protección social dirigida a la niñez, adolescencia y sus hogares en la Argentina: aportes para el diseño de políticas de protección de ingresos y su rol en la reducción y erradicación del trabajo infantil
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A policy brief based on findings from a report that seeks to assess the effects of income security policies targeted at childhood on child labor and to analyze the impact of these policies according to the type of child labor performed. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Child labour and social protection targeted at children, adolescents and their households in Argentina: contributions to the debate on income protection policies related to child labour
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A policy brief based on findings from a report that seeks to assess the effects of income security policies targeted at childhood on child labor and to analyze the impact of these policies according to the type of child labor performed. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Políticas y acciones para la protección de trayectorias escolares y la prevención del trabajo infantil en tiempos de pandemia
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A brief fact sheet presenting information about how child labor affects childhood education trajectories specifically in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
La educación frente al trabajo infantil y adolescente en Argentina
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An infographic presenting information about how child labor affects childhood education trajectories. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul trajnimi për Drejtoritë Komunale të Arsimit: roli i Drejtorive Komunale të Arsimit për të mbështetur shkollat në sigurimin e cilësisë, mbrojtje të fëmijës dhe eliminimin e pengesave të qasjes në arsim
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A training program is to increase the capacity of municipal education directorates to implement effective practices to support schools in child protection, prevention of violence, dropout and non-enrolment. The training program and the workshop aim to understand the relationship between child labor, school dropout and the quality of education; explore the framework of educational policies for child protection in Kosovo and quality assurances; and develop ideas and orientations for fulfilling the role of municipal education directorates in creating conditions for access of children to learning and child protection. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul obuke za Opštinske Direkcije za Obrazovanje: uloga Opštinskih Direkcija za Obrazovanje u podršci školama za obezbeđenje kvaliteta, zaštitu dece i eliminisanje prepreka za pristup obrazovanju
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A training program is to increase the capacity of municipal education directorates to implement effective practices to support schools in child protection, prevention of violence, dropout and non-enrolment. The training program and the workshop aim to understand the relationship between child labor, school dropout and the quality of education; explore the framework of educational policies for child protection in Kosovo and quality assurances; and develop ideas and orientations for fulfilling the role of municipal education directorates in creating conditions for access of children to learning and child protection. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Training module for Municipal Education Directorates: the role of Municipal Education Directorates in supporting schools in quality assurance, child protection and the elimination of barriers to education
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A training program is to increase the capacity of municipal education directorates to implement effective practices to support schools in child protection, prevention of violence, dropout and non-enrolment. The training program and the workshop aim to understand the relationship between child labor, school dropout and the quality of education; explore the framework of educational policies for child protection in Kosovo and quality assurances; and develop ideas and orientations for fulfilling the role of municipal education directorates in creating conditions for access of children to learning and child protection. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul trajnimi për inspektorë të arsimit: mbikëqyrja e zbatimit të politikave arsimore për mbrojtjen e fëmijës, zbatimit të platformës për parandalim dhe reagim ndaj braktisjes dhe mosregjistrimit
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This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Resumen ejecutivo: trabajo infantil y dinámicas familiares
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An executive summary of a study that analyzes understanding of child labor, characterizes child labor in the context of access to education and leisure, and describes family reproduction strategies and how these factors have an impact on child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Executive summary: child labour and family dynamics
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An executive summary of a study that analyzes understanding of child labor, characterizes child labor in the context of access to education and leisure, and describes family reproduction strategies and how these factors have an impact on child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Trabajo infantil y protección social dirigida a la niñez, adolescencia y sus hogares en la Argentina: aportes para el diseño de políticas de protección de ingresos y su rol en la reducción y erradicación del trabajo infantil
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A policy brief based on findings from a report that seeks to assess the effects of income security policies targeted at childhood on child labor and to analyze the impact of these policies according to the type of child labor performed. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Child labour and social protection targeted at children, adolescents and their households in Argentina: contributions to the debate on income protection policies related to child labour
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A policy brief based on findings from a report that seeks to assess the effects of income security policies targeted at childhood on child labor and to analyze the impact of these policies according to the type of child labor performed. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Políticas y acciones para la protección de trayectorias escolares y la prevención del trabajo infantil en tiempos de pandemia
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A brief fact sheet presenting information about how child labor affects childhood education trajectories specifically in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
La educación frente al trabajo infantil y adolescente en Argentina
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An infographic presenting information about how child labor affects childhood education trajectories. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul trajnimi për Drejtoritë Komunale të Arsimit: roli i Drejtorive Komunale të Arsimit për të mbështetur shkollat në sigurimin e cilësisë, mbrojtje të fëmijës dhe eliminimin e pengesave të qasjes në arsim
Show Description
A training program is to increase the capacity of municipal education directorates to implement effective practices to support schools in child protection, prevention of violence, dropout and non-enrolment. The training program and the workshop aim to understand the relationship between child labor, school dropout and the quality of education; explore the framework of educational policies for child protection in Kosovo and quality assurances; and develop ideas and orientations for fulfilling the role of municipal education directorates in creating conditions for access of children to learning and child protection. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul obuke za Opštinske Direkcije za Obrazovanje: uloga Opštinskih Direkcija za Obrazovanje u podršci školama za obezbeđenje kvaliteta, zaštitu dece i eliminisanje prepreka za pristup obrazovanju
Show Description
A training program is to increase the capacity of municipal education directorates to implement effective practices to support schools in child protection, prevention of violence, dropout and non-enrolment. The training program and the workshop aim to understand the relationship between child labor, school dropout and the quality of education; explore the framework of educational policies for child protection in Kosovo and quality assurances; and develop ideas and orientations for fulfilling the role of municipal education directorates in creating conditions for access of children to learning and child protection. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Training module for Municipal Education Directorates: the role of Municipal Education Directorates in supporting schools in quality assurance, child protection and the elimination of barriers to education
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A training program is to increase the capacity of municipal education directorates to implement effective practices to support schools in child protection, prevention of violence, dropout and non-enrolment. The training program and the workshop aim to understand the relationship between child labor, school dropout and the quality of education; explore the framework of educational policies for child protection in Kosovo and quality assurances; and develop ideas and orientations for fulfilling the role of municipal education directorates in creating conditions for access of children to learning and child protection. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul trajnimi për inspektorë të arsimit: mbikëqyrja e zbatimit të politikave arsimore për mbrojtjen e fëmijës, zbatimit të platformës për parandalim dhe reagim ndaj braktisjes dhe mosregjistrimit
Show Description
This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |