Hard to see, harder to count: survey guidelines to estimate forced labour of adults and children (3rd edition)
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This revised 3rd edition of the handbook provides an updated set of tools and guidelines for the design, implementation and analysis of quantitative surveys on the forced labor of adults. These guidelines present an operational definition of what constitutes forced labor and indicators with which to identify it, list the steps to be followed to implement a survey on forced labor, describe sampling techniques, propose a minimum set of questions necessary to assess forced labor, provide guidance on data analysis, and present some ethical considerations with regard to research on forced labor.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
From research to action: using knowledge to accelerate progress in the elimination of child labour and forced labour
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Website and knowledge portal for the From Research to Action (R2A) project that features information about the project, research findings and products of the project, and recommended policy actions based on project findings.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Indicateurs de progrès: liste des indicateurs et du rapport narratif à l’appui
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This report presents research identifying and developing indicators of progress and assessing efforts to address child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sectors of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. The report further details progress indicators that interviewee and documentary sources suggest have contributed to a positive impact on reducing child labor and forced labor.
American Institutes for Research |
Progress indicators: list of indicators and supporting narrative report
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This report presents research identifying and developing indicators of progress and assessing efforts to address child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sectors of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. The report further details progress indicators that interviewee and documentary sources suggest have contributed to a positive impact on reducing child labor and forced labor.
American Institutes for Research |
Rapport d’évaluation: tâche 5.1.5 : évaluer les efforts des gouvernements, de l’industrie et des organisations de travailleurs de lutte contre le travail des enfants et le travail forcé dans les secteurs du cacao au Ghana et en Côte d’Ivoire
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This report covers the analysis of stakeholders’ implementation of efforts to address child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sectors of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, with emphasis on the period since 2019. The main research questions focused on (a) the identification of the initiatives and good practices of governments, industry, and workers’ and farmer-based organizations to address child labor and forced labor; (b) identification of the challenges of and the extent to which industry and workers’ organizations and FBOs are actively and meaningfully involved in efforts to address child labor and forced labor; and (c) a review of the efforts under and outside the Child Labor Cocoa Coordinating Group to address child labor and forced labor.
American Institutes for Research |
Assessment report: task 5.1.5: assess efforts of governments, industry, and workers’ organizations to address child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sectors in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire
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This report covers the analysis of stakeholders’ implementation of efforts to address child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sectors of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, with emphasis on the period since 2019. The main research questions focused on (a) the identification of the initiatives and good practices of governments, industry, and workers’ and farmer-based organizations to address child labor and forced labor; (b) identification of the challenges of and the extent to which industry and workers’ organizations and FBOs are actively and meaningfully involved in efforts to address child labor and forced labor; and (c) a review of the efforts under and outside the Child Labor Cocoa Coordinating Group to address child labor and forced labor.
American Institutes for Research |
Assessment report: task 5.1.6: assess efforts of governments, industry, and workers’ organizations to address child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sector in Brazil, Ecuador, and Indonesia
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This report assesses the current landscape of efforts to address child labor and forced labor in the cocoa supply chains in Ecuador, Brazil, and Indonesia. The main research questions focused on (a) the identification of efforts of governments, industry, and civil society organizations to address child and forced labor in the cocoa sectors; (b) identification of the challenges encountered in these efforts; (c) review of situations that could potentially increase child and forced labor in the cocoa supply chain; and (d) identification of indications that these child labor and forced labor situations exist in the cocoa sector in these countries.
American Institutes for Research |
Mongolian labour force and forced labour survey 2022: final report
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This is a report on the 2022 Mongolian Labour Force Survey that provides quantitative findings regarding labor force participation according to various demographic categories, informal employment, forced labor, youth labor participation, and demographic and household indicators. The report also includes appendices that discuss the methodology of the survey and provide additional statistical tables.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Measurement, awareness-raising, and policy engagement to address child labor and forced labor (the MAP 16 project): global and research activity findings
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A brief of the final evaluation focusing on the global and research activity findings from the MAP 16 project. This document lists the results of the project objectives, notable learnings, recommendations, and information about the evaluation methodology.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
- Law and regulation strengthening
- Policy strengthening
- Research
- Final evaluation infographic summary
- Infographic
Measurement, awareness-raising, and policy engagement to address child labor and forced labor (the MAP 16 project): country findings
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A brief of the final evaluation focusing on the country-level activities and results from the MAP 16 project. This document lists the results of the project objectives, notable learnings, challenges, and information about the evaluation methodology.
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
- Law and regulation strengthening
- Policy strengthening
- Research
- Final evaluation infographic summary
- Infographic