ILAB-funded technical assistance projects produce a large body of knowledge and resources, including toolkits, project reports, training manuals, and implementation guides. These resources produced by ILAB’s grantees are presented here in a searchable online library so that they may help support and inform current and future projects to end abusive labor practices worldwide.
Project Resource Documents Search Results
Showing 161 - 170 of 500Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Modul trajnimi për inspektorë të arsimit: mbikëqyrja e zbatimit të politikave arsimore për mbrojtjen e fëmijës, zbatimit të platformës për parandalim dhe reagim ndaj braktisjes dhe mosregjistrimit
Show Description
This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Procedurat standarde të veprimit për hetimin dhe gjykimin e rasteve të shfrytëzimit të fëmijëve në forma të rrezikshme të punës
Show Description
This document provides an analysis, starting from the applicable international standards in defining hazardous child labor, their implementation in the Kosovo legal framework and focusing on the child victim to guarantee a victim-centered approach, to create a set of standard operating procedures for addressing hazardous child labor in Kosovo, in alignment with the applicable international standards. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Identifikimi dhe hetimi i rasteve të fëmijëve në punë: sfidat e sistemit të drejtësisë modul trajnimi për prokurorë dhe gjyqtarë
Show Description
This training module is designed to provide basic knowledge about child labor in the context of international laws and domestic legislation in Kosovo to judges and prosecutors to raise awareness about the current challenges in identifying and investing child labor. This training module identifies the problems of enforcing child labor laws by courts and law enforcement authorities, and identifies further steps towards solving these challenges. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Standardne operativne procedure za istragu i suđenje u slučajevima eksploatacije dece u opasnim oblicima rada
Show Description
This document provides an analysis, starting from the applicable international standards in defining hazardous child labor, their implementation in the Kosovo legal framework and focusing on the child victim to guarantee a victim-centered approach, to create a set of standard operating procedures for addressing hazardous child labor in Kosovo, in alignment with the applicable international standards. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Identifikovanje i istraživanje slučajeva dečijeg rada: izazovi pravosudnog sistema modul obuke za tužioce i sudije
Show Description
This training module is designed to provide basic knowledge about child labor in the context of international laws and domestic legislation in Kosovo to judges and prosecutors to raise awareness about the current challenges in identifying and investing child labor. This training module identifies the problems of enforcing child labor laws by courts and law enforcement authorities, and identifies further steps towards solving these challenges. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Training module for education inspectors: overseeing the implementation of educational policies on child protection, implementation of the platform on prevention and response to dropout and non-enrollment
Show Description
This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Udhëzues për zbatimin e procedurave standarde të veprimit për fëmijë në forma të rrezikshme të punës
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This guide instructs readers in how to implement standard operating procedures for addressing hazardous child labor. The guide first provides definitions of basic concepts related to child labor, then describes the goals of these procedures and the principles supporting their implementation, and then finally provides guidance and recommendations for the implementation of these procedures at the municipal level. The guide's annexes provide additional tools for implementing these procedures such as document templates and child labor indicators. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul obuke za inspektore obrazovanja nadzor nad sprovođenjem obrazovnih politika za zaštitu deteta, sprovođenjem platforme za sprečavanje i reagovanje na napuštanje i neupisivanje
Show Description
This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Rapport du Test Pilote: Enquête Nationale sur les Conditions de Vie et de Travail des ménages Au Niger (2021)
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A brief report summarizing the activities that took place during the pilot test of a research instrument. The report also includes some difficulties encountered during the pilot as well as tips for the team to follow during data collection. The Tableau 2: Superviseurs, Tableau 3: Repartition des Agents pour le Test Pilote, and a link to a data server have been removed for privacy purposes. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Procedurat standarde të veprimit për fëmijë në forma të rrezikshme të punës
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A set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that were developed to define and clarify the roles and operating procedures of institutions for the prevention, identification, data collection, referral, treatment, and reporting of children involved in hazardous child labor. These SOPs aim to strengthen inter-institutional and multidisciplinary cooperation to protect the rights of the child and to protect children from hazardous child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Title | Grantee | Intervention Type | Document Type |
Modul trajnimi për inspektorë të arsimit: mbikëqyrja e zbatimit të politikave arsimore për mbrojtjen e fëmijës, zbatimit të platformës për parandalim dhe reagim ndaj braktisjes dhe mosregjistrimit
Show Description
This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Procedurat standarde të veprimit për hetimin dhe gjykimin e rasteve të shfrytëzimit të fëmijëve në forma të rrezikshme të punës
Show Description
This document provides an analysis, starting from the applicable international standards in defining hazardous child labor, their implementation in the Kosovo legal framework and focusing on the child victim to guarantee a victim-centered approach, to create a set of standard operating procedures for addressing hazardous child labor in Kosovo, in alignment with the applicable international standards. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Identifikimi dhe hetimi i rasteve të fëmijëve në punë: sfidat e sistemit të drejtësisë modul trajnimi për prokurorë dhe gjyqtarë
Show Description
This training module is designed to provide basic knowledge about child labor in the context of international laws and domestic legislation in Kosovo to judges and prosecutors to raise awareness about the current challenges in identifying and investing child labor. This training module identifies the problems of enforcing child labor laws by courts and law enforcement authorities, and identifies further steps towards solving these challenges. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Standardne operativne procedure za istragu i suđenje u slučajevima eksploatacije dece u opasnim oblicima rada
Show Description
This document provides an analysis, starting from the applicable international standards in defining hazardous child labor, their implementation in the Kosovo legal framework and focusing on the child victim to guarantee a victim-centered approach, to create a set of standard operating procedures for addressing hazardous child labor in Kosovo, in alignment with the applicable international standards. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Identifikovanje i istraživanje slučajeva dečijeg rada: izazovi pravosudnog sistema modul obuke za tužioce i sudije
Show Description
This training module is designed to provide basic knowledge about child labor in the context of international laws and domestic legislation in Kosovo to judges and prosecutors to raise awareness about the current challenges in identifying and investing child labor. This training module identifies the problems of enforcing child labor laws by courts and law enforcement authorities, and identifies further steps towards solving these challenges. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Training module for education inspectors: overseeing the implementation of educational policies on child protection, implementation of the platform on prevention and response to dropout and non-enrollment
Show Description
This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Udhëzues për zbatimin e procedurave standarde të veprimit për fëmijë në forma të rrezikshme të punës
Show Description
This guide instructs readers in how to implement standard operating procedures for addressing hazardous child labor. The guide first provides definitions of basic concepts related to child labor, then describes the goals of these procedures and the principles supporting their implementation, and then finally provides guidance and recommendations for the implementation of these procedures at the municipal level. The guide's annexes provide additional tools for implementing these procedures such as document templates and child labor indicators. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Modul obuke za inspektore obrazovanja nadzor nad sprovođenjem obrazovnih politika za zaštitu deteta, sprovođenjem platforme za sprečavanje i reagovanje na napuštanje i neupisivanje
Show Description
This training module is designed to support the capacity building of education inspectors who monitor the implementation of educational policies on child protection and address violence in educational institutions. This module also contributes to the coordination of inter-institutional actions in the implementation of legal obligations for child protection and the prevention of violence in educational institutions. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Rapport du Test Pilote: Enquête Nationale sur les Conditions de Vie et de Travail des ménages Au Niger (2021)
Show Description
A brief report summarizing the activities that took place during the pilot test of a research instrument. The report also includes some difficulties encountered during the pilot as well as tips for the team to follow during data collection. The Tableau 2: Superviseurs, Tableau 3: Repartition des Agents pour le Test Pilote, and a link to a data server have been removed for privacy purposes. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |
Procedurat standarde të veprimit për fëmijë në forma të rrezikshme të punës
Show Description
A set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that were developed to define and clarify the roles and operating procedures of institutions for the prevention, identification, data collection, referral, treatment, and reporting of children involved in hazardous child labor. These SOPs aim to strengthen inter-institutional and multidisciplinary cooperation to protect the rights of the child and to protect children from hazardous child labor. |
International Labor Organization (ILO) |