YouthBuild is a community-based pre-apprenticeship program that provides job training and educational services for opportunity youth ages 16-24 who left school without a secondary diploma.

Participants learn vocational skills in construction, as well as in other in-demand industries that include healthcare, information technology, and hospitality. Participants also provide community service through the required construction or rehabilitation of affordable housing for low-income or homeless families in their own neighborhoods.  Participants split their time between the vocational training work site and the classroom, where they earn their high school diploma or equivalency, learn to be community leaders, and prepare for postsecondary training opportunities, including college, apprenticeships, and employment.  Supportive services address barriers throughout participation and the 12-month follow-up period, and may include transportation assistance, childcare, healthcare referrals, and the provision of work attire and personal protective equipment.

Administered by the Office of Workforce Investment's Division of Youth Services, YouthBuild serves more than 5,000 youth in approximately 200 YouthBuild programs in more than 40 states.   

Program Information

Grant Recipients


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