Key Program Areas

For general information on the following DOL programs, please visit:

For additional information for workforce professionals who work on DOL youth programs, please visit one of the following communities of practice:


Youth Connections logo

Youth Connections(link is external)

The Youth Connections Community is an online learning destination for public workforce system staff and partners who serve youth in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program.

YouthBuild logo

YouthBuild(link is external)

The YouthBuild Community is a shared electronic space where grantees can share and review documents, exchange ideas, read and comment on blogs, and much more!

REO logo

Reentry Employment Opportunities(link is external)

The Reentry Employment Opportunities offers practitioners new ideas and tools to do the invaluable work of changing lives and renewing futures of formerly incarcerated offenders.

Career Pathway

Career Pathways(link is external)

The Career Pathways Community helps workforce development leaders, practitioners, and policy makers expand state and local career pathways efforts currently underway or being planned.