The Division of Youth Services is primarily responsible for coordinating all youth-related workforce programs including the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Formula, YouthBuild, and Reentry Employment Opportunities. Our programs primarily serve young adults ages 16-24 that face a variety of barriers to employment. We provide leadership to the workforce system and our grantees, policy direction and guidance, support for program administration, and technical assistance.
Further information on each of these programs can be found below:
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Formula
- YouthBuild
- Reentry Employment Opportunities
The Division of Youth Services is responsible for:
- Aligning federal, state and local resources for youth services to ensure that available youth funds are effectively coordinated into a comprehensive delivery system for youth employment and training;
- Providing funding for comprehensive youth development services so youth, particularly those most disadvantaged, have the academic, technical, and work-readiness skills they need to successfully transition to adulthood, career pathways and post-secondary education and training;
- Providing leadership and direction of the comprehensive system of Employment and Training Administration-funded youth employment and training services which includes the state and local government formula grant programs administered by workforce development boards and competitively-awarded grant programs administered by community-based organizations, local government organizations, community colleges and other eligible organizations; and
- Delivering efficient, effective, and customer-focused technical assistance services to build the capacity of partners and stakeholders to deliver quality services to all youth.
Division Contact Information
Division of Youth Services
Employment and Training Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave NW
Room N-4508
Washington, DC 20210
Fax: 202-693-3861