WOTC State Coordinators


Gay S. Vines
Alabama Department of Labor
649 Monroe St, Room 2813
Montgomery, AL 36131-0001
Phone: 334-309-9079
Fax: 334-309-9072
Email: wotc.alcc@alcc.alabama.gov
Alabama WOTC webpage(link is external)


Teressa Parker
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Division of Employment & Training Services
PO Box 115509
Juneau, AK 99811-5509
Phone: 907-465-5952
Fax: 907-931-6544
Email: dol.wotc@alaska.gov
Alaska WOTC webpage(link is external)


Loi Dang
Arizona Department of Economic Security, WOTC Unit
1789 W. Jefferson Street
Mail drop 5271
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 520 576 8872
Email: ldang@azdes.gov
Arizona WOTC webpage(link is external)


Kenneth Moore (ADWS)
Attn: WOTC Program
Arkansas Department of Workforce Services
PO Box 2981
Little Rock, AR 72203-2981
Phone: 501-682-2475 / 1-866-330-9459 (Toll Free)
Fax: 501-682-2576
Email: kenneth.moore@arkansas.gov
Arkansas WOTC webpage(link is external)


Leslie Glover
Employment Development Department, Work Opportunity Tax Credit
2901 50th St
Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: 1-866-593-0173
Fax: 916-227-5140
Email: WOTCSupport@edd.ca.gov
California WOTC webpage(link is external)


Kerri Owen
Colorado Department of Labor & Employment
WOTC Unit, Division of Employment Programs
633 17th St
Suite 700
Denver, CO 80202-3927
Phone: 303-318-8961
Fax: 303-318-8934
Email: kerri.owen@state.co.us
Colorado WOTC webpage(link is external)


Anthony Coschigano
Operations Coordinator/Employment Services Operations
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Blvd
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone: 860-263-6071
Fax: 860-263-6039
Email: Anthony.Coschigano@ct.gov
Connecticut WOTC webpage(link is external)


Sherese Brewington-Carr
Attn: WOTC Coordinator
Delaware Department of Labor
Division of Employment and Training
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Unit
4425 N Market St
3rd Floor
Wilmington, DE 19802
Phone: 302-761-8039
Fax: 302-761-6657
Email: Sherese.Brewington-C@delaware.gov
Delaware WOTC webpage(link is external)

District of Columbia

Durrell Becton, MBA
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Program Analyst/WOTC Coordinator
Department of Employment Services
4058 Minnesota Avenue NE, Suite 3801, Washington, DC 20019
Office: 202.519.3203 | Mobile: 202.304.0846
Email: Durrell.Becton1@dc.gov
District of Columbia WOTC webpage(link is external)


Eduardo Torres
WOTC State Coordinator
Bureau of One-Stop & Program Support
Florida Department of Commerce
Office: 850-921-3299
Email: WOTC@commerce.fl.gov
Florida WOTC webpage(link is external)


Gynda (Denise) Jordan
Georgia Department of Labor
148 Andrew Young International Blvd, NE
Suite 450 Sussex Place
Atlanta, GA 30303-1751
Phone: 404-232-3522
Fax: 404-232-3684
Email: Gynda.Jordan@gdol.ga.gov
Georgia WOTC webpage(link is external)


Leila N. Shar
WOTC State Coordinator
Workforce Development Division, DLIR
Email: leila.n.shar@hawaii.gov
Phone: 808-586-9169
Hawaii WOTC Webpage(link is external)


Lapman (Simon) So
WOTC Coordinator
Idaho Department of Labor
317 W Main St
Boise, ID 83735
Phone: 208-332-3570 ext. 3153
Fax: 208-639-3254
Email: lapman.so@labor.idaho.gov
Idaho WOTC webpage(link is external)


Patricia Rusoff
Senior Public Service Administrator
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Unit
Illinois Department of Employment Security
115 S LaSalle Street, 16th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: 217-558-1235
Fax: 312-793-1778
Email: Patricia.Rusoff2@illinois.gov
Illinois WOTC webpage(link is external)


Ashley Gatlin
Indiana Department of Workforce Development
WOTC Transition
10 N Senate Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-671-2041
Fax: 317-233-2679
Email: agatlin@dwd.in.gov
Indiana WOTC webpage(link is external)


Bethany Ellingson
Iowa Workforce Development - WOTC Unit
1000 E Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
563-382-0457 ext 32410 (Office)
563-387-0905 (Fax)
Iowa WOTC webpage(link is external)


Ashla Stowe, Program Manager
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program
Kansas Department of Commerce
1000 SW Jackson St
Suite 100
Topeka, KS 66612-2115
Phone: 785-296-7435
Fax: 785-368-7108
Email: ashla.stowe@ks.gov
Kansas WOTC webpage(link is external)


Amanda Inman
Kentucky Career Center
Office of Employer & Apprenticeship Services
Tax Credit Unit
500 Mero Street 443 CE
Frankfort, KY 40601
Office: 502-564-7456
Help Desk: 502-782-3465
Fax: 502-564-7459
Email: amanda.inman@ky.gov
Kentucky WOTC webpage(link is external)


Kenny Lynch
Administrator, Targeted Populations/Employer Outreach
Office Of Workforce Development
Louisiana Workforce Commission
1001 N. 23rd Street, 3rd FL
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Telephone: (225) 342-7679
Mobile: (225) 235-9699
Email: klynch@lwc.la.gov
Louisiana WOTC webpage(link is external)


Veronica Roux, Clerk IV - Employment Services
Maine Department of Labor
55 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0055
Office: 207-623-7977
Fax: 207-287-5933
Email: veronica.f.roux@maine.gov
Maine WOTC Webpage(link is external)


Jumamosi (Lovie) Johnson
WOTC Administrative Officer II
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Unit
Maryland Department of Labor
100 S. Charles Street, 210B
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-767-2063
Fax: 410-767-2060
Email: Jumamosi.Johnson@maryland.gov
Maryland WOTC webpage(link is external)


Jack Sprince
MassHire/Department of Career Services
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-626-5730 / 617-626-5353
Fax: 617-727-8671
Email: jackson.e.sprince@detma.org
Massachusetts WOTC webpage(link is external)


Shelly Khan
Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency
WOTC Unit, Suite 12-400 
3024 W Grand Blvd
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-456-2105 (WOTC Unit)
             1-800-482-2959 (WOTC Hotline)
Fax: 313-456-2132
Email: KhanS2@michigan.gov
Michigan WOTC webpage(link is external)


Karen Marberry  
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development  
WOTC Unit  
180 E 5th Street, Suite 1200  
St Paul, MN 55101  
Phone: 651-259-7507 / 7521  
1-888-234-5521 (Toll-Free)  
Email: karen.marberry@state.mn.us  
Minnesota WOTC webpage(link is external)


Constance Fuller
Mississippi Department of Employment Security
1235 Echelon Pkwy
PO Box 1699
Jackson, MS 39215-1699
Phone: 601-321-6079
Fax: 601-321-6506
Email: cfuller@mdes.ms.gov
Mississippi WOTC webpage(link is external)


Jennifer Cheshire
Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Harry S Truman Building, Room 870
301 W High St
PO Box 1087
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1087
Phone: 573-522-9581 / 1-800-877-8698 (Toll Free)
Fax: 573-751-9896
Email: jennifer.cheshire@dhewd.mo.gov
Missouri WOTC webpage(link is external)


Rebecca Bradford O'Brien
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Program Manager
Montana Department of Labor & Industry
Workforce Services Division
Division Management Services
1315 E. Lockey
Helena, MT 59601
Phone: 406-444-6147
Fax 406-444-3037
Email: Rebecca.Bradford@mt.gov
Montana WOTC Webpage(link is external)


Kelly Flanagan
Reemployment Services Administrator
Nebraska Department of Labor
550 South 16th Street
Lincoln, NE 68509
Phone: 402-499-4177
Email: Kelly.Flanagan@nebraska.gov
Nebraska WOTC webpage(link is external)


Chris Scaffidi
ATTN: WOTC Coordinator
Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation
500 E Third St
Carson City, NV 89713-0012
Phone: 775-684-0321
Fax: 775-687-6842
Email: wotcnv@detr.nv.gov
Nevada WOTC webpage(link is external)

New Hampshire

Jacob Woodward
Program Specialist I
New Hampshire Employment Security
45 South Fruit Street
Concord, NH 03301-4857
Phone : 603-229-4452
Fax: 603-229-4321
Email: Jacob.R.Woodward@nhes.nh.gov
New Hampshire WOTC webpage(link is external)

New Jersey

Christopher J. McKelvey
Supervisor - Office of Workforce Support Strategies
New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
PO Box 055
Trenton, NJ 08625
Office: 609.292.6574    
Email: christopher.mckelvey@dol.nj.gov    
New Jersey WOTC webpage(link is external)

New Mexico

Juan J. Diaz
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
Business Development & Outreach
Attention: WOTC Unit
401 Broadway NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 505-841-8444
Fax: 505-841-8880
Email: juan.diaz@dws.nm.gov
www.dws.state.nm.us/en-us/WOTC(link is external)

New York

NYS Department of Labor
Attn: WOTC Unit
State Office Campus, Bldg 12, Rm 436
Albany, NY 12226
FAX: 518-485-1359
EMAIL: AskNYWOTC@labor.ny.gov

North Carolina

Annie T. Gomez
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program Coordinator
North Carolina Department of Commerce
Division of Workforce Solutions
Attn: WOTC, Business Services
4316 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4316
Phone: 984-236-4180
Fax: 919-662-4660
Email: Annie.Gomez@commerce.NC.gov
North Carolina WOTC webpage(link is external)

North Dakota

Carmen R. Yantzer
State WOTC Coordinator
Workforce Programs
Job Service North Dakota
PO Box 5507
Bismarck, ND 58506-5507
Phone: 701-328-2997
Fax: 701-328-4894
Email: cayantzer@nd.gov
North Dakota WOTC webpage(link is external)


Betty Knutson
Ohio Department of Job & Family Services
Office of Workforce Development
P.O. Box 1618
Columbus, OH 43219
Phone: 614-595-4096
Fax: 614-644-7102
Email: Betty.Knutson@jfs.ohio.gov
OR WOTC_Contact@jfs.ohio.gov
Ohio WOTC webpage(link is external)


Roslyn Richards
Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
PO Box 52003
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2003
Phone: 405-962-4627
Fax: 405-557-7105
Email: Roslyn.Richards@oesc.state.ok.us
Oklahoma WOTC webpage(link is external)


Celina Kirnberger
Oregon Employment Department
WOTC Unit, Room 201
875 Union St NE
Salem, OR 97311
Phone: 1-800-237-3710, option 3
Fax: 503-947-1524
Email: WOTC@employ.oregon.gov
Oregon WOTC webpage(link is external)


Derrick A. Donnell
Special Projects Supervisor
PA Department of Labor and Industry
Bureau of Workforce Partnership Operations
651 Boas Street
12th Floor, Room 1200
Harrisburg, PA 17121
TEL: 717-772-3720
Email: ddonnell@pa.gov
Pennsylvania WOTC webpage(link is external)

Puerto Rico

Ada M. Vega
Puerto Rico Department of Labor & Human Resources
Bureau of Employment Security
WOTC Unit, 4th Floor
PO Box 195540
San Juan, PR 00919-5540
Phone: 787-625-3137 ext. 2315 or 2316
Fax: 787-945-7473 or 787-945-7471
Email: advega@trabajo.pr.gov
Puerto Rico WOTC webpage(link is external)

Rhode Island

Jean Luisi
Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training
1511 Pontiac Avenue, Bldg 73-2
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: 401-462-8385
Email: Jean.Luisi@dlt.ri.gov
Fax: (401) 462-8722
Rhode Island WOTC webpage(link is external)

South Carolina

Amy Hill
South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
ATTN: WOTC Unit, Room 515
1550 Gadsden St
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-737-3228
Email: ahill@dew.sc.gov
South Carolina WOTC webpage(link is external)

South Dakota

Taunya J. Charlton
South Dakota Department of Labor
420 South Roosevelt Street
PO Box 4730
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Phone: 605-220-8383
Fax: 605-626-2228
Email: Taunya.Charlton@state.sd.us
South Dakota WOTC webpage(link is external)


Justin Williams
WOTC Coordinator
Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development
Attn: WOTC
220 French Landing Drive
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 844-216-8495
Fax: 615-532-1612
Email:  WOTC.info@tn.gov
Tennessee WOTC webpage(link is external)


Russell Hunter, Manager
Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Board Support and Agency Administrated Programs
Texas Workforce Commission
101 East 15th St., Room 202T
Austin, TX 78778-0001
Phone: 737-270-8107
Texas WOTC webpage(link is external)


Stacie Smith
Utah Department of Workforce Services
140 E 300 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone: 385-272-7798
Fax: 801-596-2274
Email: stacielsmith@utah.gov
Utah WOTC webpage(link is external)


Gerard J. Miller IV
WOTC State Coordinator
Workforce Development Division
Vermont Department of Labor
5 Green Mountain Dr
Montpelier, VT 05601
Phone: (802) 828-4240
Email: Labor.WOTC@vermont.gov
Vermont WOTC webpage(link is external)

Virgin Islands

Janelle J Murraine
Program Coordinator
Virgin Islands Department of Labor
2353 Kronprindsens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Tel: (340) 776-3700 ext 2007
Virgin Island WOTC webpage


Priscilla Skinner
WOTC State Coordinator
Virginia Employment Commission
6606 W. Broad Street
Suite 502, Room 507
Richmond, VA 23230
P. O. Box 26441
Richmond, VA 23261-6441
Phone: 804-786-4341
Fax: 804-225-3712
Email: priscilla.skinner@vec.virginia.gov
Virginia WOTC webpage(link is external)


Stephen Henry
WOTC State Coordinator
Washington State Employment Security Department
WOTC Administrative Unit
PO Box 9046
Olympia, WA 98507-9046
Phone: 1-800-669-9271 (Toll Free)
Office Group Email: ESDGPWOTC@ESD.WA.GOV
Washington WOTC Webpage(link is external)

West Virginia

Josh Cox
WorkForce West Virginia
Building 3 Suite 400
1900 Kanawha Blvd E
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: 304-352-3860
Fax: 304-558-6446
Email: WOTC@wv.gov
West Virginia WOTC webpage(link is external)


Jody Thomas
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Federal Tax Credit Office, Room G-100
201 E Washington Ave
Madison, WI 53707-7972
Phone: 608-733-3931
Fax: 608-264-9682
Email: jody.thomas@dwd.wisconsin.gov
Wisconsin WOTC webpage(link is external)


Michael Davis
State Veterans Coordinator/WOTC Program Manager
Department of Workforce Services
5221 Yellowstone Rd
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Phone: 307-777-3713
Fax : 307-777-5870
Email: dws-wotc@wyo.gov
Wyoming WOTC webpage(link is external)