Under the Young Parents Demonstration (YPD), a federal initiative to test the effectiveness of providing enhanced services to young parents and expectant parents ages 16 to 24 and determine whether such services improved their educational and employment outcomes, ETA awarded 17 grants in three rounds between June 2009 (13 Rounds I/II grantees) and June 2011 (4 Rounds III grantess). The grants ended in December 2012 and December 2015, respectively. As part of the YPD, grantees were required to implement a differential experimental research design whereby treatment group members received an additional level of service above and beyond the base level of services provided to the control group. The treatment interventions varied across grantees, with some providing mentoring services and others providing guided employment, education, training and related supports. More than 3,700 young parents and expectant parents were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups.
The files names are shown below.
- YPD_Public_Use_Data_Dictionary_UnMerged.xlsx
- YPD_PublicUse_All.csv
- YPD_PublicUse_R3.csv
- YPD_PublicUse_R12.csv