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571 to 580 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 1978-7
DescriptionThis report presents a statistical model of the effects of state laws and economic factors on exhaustion rates for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. The model was estimated from quarterly pooled time-series, cross-sectional data for all states over the period 1965 to 1974. Results for the model were used to analyze various UI policy issues and to construct a simulation model that …
Release Date:
Issue: 1978-6
DescriptionThis is the second in a series of reports based on the Arizona Benefit Adequacy (ABA) Study. Whereas the first report focused on measurement of the differing degrees of benefit adequacy achieved under the differing degrees of benefit adequacy achieved under the prevailing and certain hypothetical benefit formulas. The present report emphasizes the types and magnitudes of adjustments undertaken by …
Release Date:
Issue: 1978-5
DescriptionDuring the past 20 years it has been found that the duration of benefits is not adequate during periods of ?high? unemployment and in many small areas during periods of ?normal? unemployment. In response to this problem, the Federal-State Extended Benefits (EB) Program was enacted. This program permits eligible individuals to receive benefits equal to one-half of their entitlement under the …
Release Date:
Issue: 1978-2
DescriptionThis is the first of several reports on the Arizona Unemployment Insurance Benefit Adequacy Study. Initiated in July 1975, the investigation constitutes the most comprehensive examination yet undertaken of the adequacy of the UI weekly benefit amount. The entire study, including an analysis of the post exhaustion experiences of those in the study group who exhausted their UI benefits, is …
Release Date:
Issue: 1978-1
DescriptionThe objectives of this report are to: provide a background to the enactment of PL 95-19; summarize the major aspects of PL 95-19 and to relate it to the Emergency Compensation Act of 1974, which established the FSB program; describe the national experience under the FSB program; describe the characteristics of FSB recipients; and evaluate the impact of PL 95-19 on various aspects of the FSB …
Release Date:
Issue: 1977-8
DescriptionThis publication highlights some of the techniques for evaluating benefit adequacy with household data. Selection of the adequacy standard to be tested is, of course, a critical factor. A variety of standards should be developed and tested. Also, various means of evaluating the results of these tests require development. It should be clear, however, that household data can provide a valuable …
Release Date:
Issue: 1977-7
DescriptionThe specific objectives of this research are as follows: (1) to evaluate, refine and modify, if necessary, the recurring expense concept as it emerged from the pilot project, doing so through further analysis of recurring expense levels found among the Columbia beneficiaries during both employment and unemployment as they relate to household income and other important variables; (2) While total …
Release Date:
Issue: 1977-6
DescriptionThis report presents information from two fields of study. Part A discusses financial adjustments that workers and their families made to cope with living costs after a wage loss that was only partially compensated by receipt of unemployment benefits. It describes the frequency with which unemployment insurance beneficiaries in New York State reported changes in family spending, the consumption …
Release Date:
Issue: 1977-3
DescriptionSince both legislative and administrative attention focuses on the current labor force commitment of UI beneficiaries, this paper addresses the active search and willingness to accept available (suitable) work criteria for maintaining continuing UI benefit eligibility. The following aspects of monetary qualification and continuing eligibility to receive UI benefits are not examined: prior …
Release Date:
Issue: 1977-2
DescriptionThis report is second in a sequence and studies the impact of the section in the ?Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976? pertaining to the coverage of agricultural employment. The law specifies coverage only of establishments hiring ?10 or more workers, in 20 or more weeks or at least a $20,000 high quarter payroll?. The study of the impact of the law is based on a sample of hired workers …