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Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 1991-2
DescriptionThe present report which analyzes the decline in UI benefit recipiency is divided into five sections. First, it presents some background facts about the decline. Second, it reviews previous literature that has examined this phenomenon. Third, it presents a descriptive analysis of new survey data collected expressly for the purpose of addressing the question. Fourth, it presents a statistical …
Release Date:
Issue: 1991-1
DescriptionThe purpose of the New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project (NJUIRDP) was to examine whether the Unemployment Insurance system could be used to identify displaced workers early in their unemployment spells and to provide them with alternative, early intervention services to accelerate their return to work. Three packages of services, or treatments, were tested in the …
Release Date:
Issue: 1991
DescriptionThe purpose of this report is to assess the role of program coordination in enhancing JTPA program effectiveness and efficiency. Specifically, it is intended to: (1) identify major strategies and characteristics of coordination, (2) assess the relative advantages and disadvantages of coordination, (3) identify factors that are effective in promoting and enhancing coordination, (4) assess legal, …
Release Date:
Issue: 1991
DescriptionThis report is concerned with JTPA staff at the state and local levels. Its particular focus is staff serving in the Title II-A program, which provides year-round employment and training services to economically disadvantaged adults and youth. However, at the state level, the study also encompasses any Title III (dislocated worker program) staff located within the JTPA unit, since in a number of …
Release Date:
Issue: 1991
DescriptionThis report focuses on improvements in determining individual needs of Job Training Partnership Act participants with learning disabilities, and in providing the training and support services that meet those needs. Since there are no current statistics on the learning disabled population in employment and training programs, estimates of the proportion of employment and training participants who …
Release Date:
Issue: 1991
DescriptionHigh School Redirection was founded in 1968 in response to a felt need. Large numbers of students, and particularly minority students, were dropping out of New York City high schools. In some cases, the dropping out was in response to personal and family needs, but in too many cases, students were "push outs" -- those for whom the system no longer had patience for. Redirection was and is …
Release Date:
Issue: 1991
DescriptionJTPA training is intended to impart job-related skills to economically disadvantaged individuals to improve both their immediate post program employment and their long-term employment potential. Some observers of JTPA job training programs have argued that the system places too much emphasis on short-term training for entry-level jobs, and not enough emphasis on services that will enable …
Release Date:
Issue: 1990-4
DescriptionThe UI Research Exchange is published by the Unemployment Insurance Service to increase the effectiveness of research throughout the UI program. To achieve this goal, the Exchange provides a means of communication among researchers and between researchers and policymakers. The Exchange is designed to be an open forum for all UI researchers. Two contributed papers are included in this issue. The …
Release Date:
Issue: 1990-3
DescriptionThe purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and behavior of UI exhaustees and nonexhaustees, and to explore the implications of this information for policy formulation. … … Mark Dynarski … …
Release Date:
Issue: 1989-7
DescriptionThis paper is the result of a project to document the administrative practices and procedures used in a number of States to achieve high levels of promptness in deciding unemployment insurance (UI) appeals. The project concentrated exclusively on the administration and management of the appellate process. It did not attempt to investigate the elements of a ?fair hearing? or ?due process of law?. …