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331 to 340 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-12
DescriptionEnacted in 1998, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) established a performance accountability system with the purpose of assessing the "…effectiveness of States and local areas in achieving continuous improvement of workforce investment activities."   The Evaluation of the WIA Performance Measurement System provides a comprehensive picture of the accountability system and examines the intended and …
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-11
DescriptionIn 2003, the Employment and Training Administration funded the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development for a three-year effort to implement the Strengthening the Connections Between Unemployment Insurance and One-Stop Delivery System Demonstration Project.   The demonstration sought to find innovative and effective approaches to facilitate linkages between the Wisconsin Unemployment …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-10
DescriptionThis report was requested by the House Committee on Appropriations (House Report 108-188), which expressed interest in "the long-term effects of job training programs at the Department of Labor."   The report presents findings from an extensive body of literature that focuses on the effects of publicly-funded employment and training programs in the U.S. , primarily targeted to economically …
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-09
DescriptionThis paper examines the adjustment to involuntary unemployment of older and prime age unemployment insurance (UI) claimants including patterns of reemployment, earnings, and employment stability following job loss.   The paper compares the experience of older workers aged 50 years and over with prime age workers aged 30 to 49 following a claim for UI benefits during the major labor market …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-08
DescriptionThis report tracks various aspects of the transactions between One-Stop staff and clients and describes job seeker and employer experience within two One-Stops located in central Missouri , one in Camdenton and the other in Columbia .   Focus on two One-Stops permits a close examination of the flow of transactions among One-Stop staff, partner agencies, and clients, while minimizing research …
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-07
DescriptionThis report includes findings from on-site observations conducted in the Baltimore City Eastside Career Center (ECC).   The report includes a description of the Maryland workforce development system; a brief overview of ECC services, the Baltimore economy and ECC neighborhood; an overview of ECC staff responsibilities; details on customer and staff interactions; findings from pre- and post-ECC …
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-06
DescriptionBeginning in 1999, the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) awarded 52 Youth Offender Demonstration Project grants over three competitive rounds to communities to assist youth at-risk of court or gang involvement, youth offenders, and gang members between the ages of 14 and 24 to find long-term employment at wage levels that would prevent future dependency and break the cycle of crime and juvenile …
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-05
DescriptionPersonal reemployment accounts (PRAs) are a new strategy intended to help specific recipients of Unemployment Insurance (UI) build job skills and find work. PRAs are lump sum accounts of up to $3,000 that are fully managed by the unemployed worker and valid for one year. They are targeted to UI recipients who are likely to exhaust their benefits, and recipients can choose how and when to spend …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-04
DescriptionThe Center for Employment and Training (CET) in San Jose, California, was found to be exceptionally effective in providing training to young persons in two previous random assignment evaluations.  Therefore, in 1992, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration initiated an effort to provide technical assistance to other organizations interested in replicating the CET …
Release Date:
Issue: 2006-03
DescriptionThis report describes a select group of Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) that received federal grants to bring non-traditional partners – in particular faith-based organizations – into the workforce investment system.   The WIBS have developed a range of promising approaches for collaborating with faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs) with the express purpose of expanding access to …