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271 to 280 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2010-06
DescriptionAs part of the National Evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program, this report provides information about the characteristics and early program experiences of workers eligible for TAA under the 2002 Trade Act. Information was collected via a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample of workers in 26 states (covering 90 percent of TAA eligible workers). Interviews …
ProgramTrade Adjustment Assistance
Release Date:
Issue: 2010-05
DescriptionIn 2007, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) required the development of efficiency measures for all federal government programs as part of the effort to improve federal government program performance. As a result of Program Assessment Rating Tool reviews, OMB asked the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor to develop and implementing an outcome-based …
PopulationAdult, Native American, Youth
ProgramApprenticeship, National Farmworker Jobs Program, Senior Community Service Employment (SCSEP), Trade Adjustment Assistance, Wagner-Peyser/Employment Service (ES) Program, Dislocated Worker Program, National Emergency Grants (NEG) Program, Youth Program, Adult Program
Release Date:
Issue: 2010-02
DescriptionThe Urban Institute discusses in this report the final results for the evaluation of the New Americans Centers (NAC) Demonstration Project in Arkansas and Iowa. ; Focus groups with New Arkansan Resource Network (NARN) and New Iowan Center (NIC) participants, interviews with partners, data analyses, reviews of quarterly reports, and post-demonstration follow-up calls with project directors were …
Release Date:
Issue: 2010-04
DescriptionThis paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to evaluating grant initiatives under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Specifically, the report exploresfeatures of the grants that might influence the type of evaluation design that may be appropriate, possible objectives and types of research questions of interest to the Employment and Training …
Release Date:
Issue: 2010-01
DescriptionThe Limited English Proficiency and Hispanic Workforce Initiative (LEPHWI) was a strategic effort of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to improve access to employment and training services for LEP persons and to better serve Hispanic workers through workforce investment programs that address the specific employment challenges faced by these individuals. The LEPHWI was intended to …
PopulationAdult, Youth, New Entrants/Reentrants
Release Date:
Issue: 2010-03
DescriptionOn February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law. Passed in response to the 2008 recession, the Act's purpose was to create jobs, pump money into the economy, and encourage spending Through the Act, states received $1.2 billion in funding for the workforce investment system to provide employment and training activities targeted to …
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-22
DescriptionThe Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education analyzed current entrepreneurship operations and policies in the public workforce investment system, and collected information on ways Workforce Investment Boards and One-Stop Career Centers currently provide support for developing entrepreneurs. Utilizing this information, the Consortium developed an online clearinghouse and this report to broadly …
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-19
DescriptionThis is the first report from the evaluation of Generations II and III of the Workforce Innovations in Regional Economic Development Initiative.   The evaluation is being conducted by Public Policy Associates, Inc. in partnership with the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.   This interim report presents baseline information from all 26 regions.   It reflects the status of regional …
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-21
DescriptionThe National Fund for Workforce Solutions is an initiative designed to build workforce partnerships rooted in industry sectors and improve labor market outcomes for both low-income individuals and employers.   The initiative is built on three promising approaches: sector initiatives, career pathways programs and workforce intermediaries.   The Department of Labor supported the effort by funding …
PopulationAdult, Employers
Release Date:
Issue: 2009-20
DescriptionThis is the first report from the evaluation of the Community-Based Job Training Grants (CBJTG) that is being conducted by the Urban Institute with subcontractors Capitol Research Corporation and Johns Hopkins University .   The evaluation began in July 2008 with the purpose of documenting the different models and projects that are operating with grant funds, examining and assessing the …
PopulationAdult, Youth, New Entrants/Reentrants