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121 to 130 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2020-04
DescriptionIn and effort to assist State, local, and tribal entities provide services to disconnected youth more efficiently across multiple federal funding streams, Congress authorized the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3) under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014. The Act allowed grantee organizations and their partners to request to pool funds from different federal …
ProgramYouth Program
Research MethodologyLiterature Review, Qualitative Analysis, Technical Assistance
Release Date:
Issue: 2020-03
DescriptionIn and effort to assist State, local, and tribal entities provide services to disconnected youth more efficiently across multiple federal funding streams, Congress authorized the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3) under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014. The Act allowed grantee organizations and their partners to request to pool funds from different federal …
ProgramYouth Program
Research MethodologyLiterature Review, Qualitative Analysis, Technical Assistance
Release Date:
Issue: 2020-02
DescriptionIn and effort to assist State, local, and tribal entities provide services to disconnected youth more efficiently across multiple federal funding streams, Congress authorized the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3) under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014. The Act allowed grantee organizations and their partners to request to pool funds from different federal …
ProgramYouth Program
Research MethodologyLiterature Review, Qualitative Analysis, Technical Assistance
Release Date:
Issue: 2020-01
DescriptionJob Corps is the nation's largest residential education and job training program for at-risk youth. The program provides training to approximately 60,000 participants each year. This report examines various methodologies for estimating the cost per enrollee and cost per graduate to help inform the Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) calculations for the Job Corps program Annual Report. …
ProgramJob Corps, Youth Program
Research MethodologyLiterature Review, Qualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2019-10
DescriptionThe goal of the Youth CareerConnect (YCC) program was to prepare high school students for both college and careers in high-demand industries with employers that often rely on H-1B visas to fill job vacancies. In 2014, the Employment and Training Administration awarded 24 grants to a broad array of organizations across 18 states and Puerto Rico, including local education agencies, local workforce …
PopulationYouth, Employers
ProgramYouth Program
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2019-09
DescriptionBetween 2013 and 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA) funded two grant initiatives which supported: 1) education and workforce development services for youth with juvenile records; and 2) records expungement and diversion services; and were designed to test several strategies to serve young offenders. Specifically, the Face Forward initiative …
PopulationYouth, New Entrants/Reentrants
ProgramRe-integration of Ex-Offender, Youth Program, Adult Program
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis, Technical Assistance
Release Date:
Issue: 2019-12
DescriptionIn response to calls from state and local providers of youth services for a more efficient and integrated system to serve disconnected youth, the U.S. Congress (2014) authorized the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3) in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014. Under the Act, up to 10 P3 pilots could be awarded to states, local, or tribal governments to pool funds from …
ProgramYouth Program
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2019-11
DescriptionEmployment is a potential source of stability and opportunity for Americans trying to better their lives after involvement with the criminal justice system. The path to employment can be difficult for this population, however, and the challenges differ depending on age. Adults often enter the justice system with barriers to employment and struggle to reconnect to the labor market after their …
PopulationAdult, Youth
ProgramRe-integration of Ex-Offender
Research MethodologyLiterature Review, Research Brief
Release Date:
Issue: 2019-08
DescriptionThe Self-Employment Training (SET) pilot program was funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to test strategies for supporting dislocated workers interested in starting their own businesses. Unemployed and underemployed workers who proposed businesses in their fields of expertise were eligible to participate. SET participants received free access to 12 months of case management, customized …
PopulationDislocated Workers
Research MethodologyRCT (Randomized Control Trial)
Release Date:
Issue: 2019-07
DescriptionAmerican workers interested in enhancing or augmenting their skills often enroll in education and training programs that they expect to help them progress along a career path or find and keep good jobs. To provide individuals with information to help them decide among program alternatives, some states have created websites (termed scorecards) that allow users to browse education and training …
PopulationAdult, Dislocated Workers, New Entrants/Reentrants, Veterans and Spouses
ProgramRe-integration of Ex-Offender, Unemployment Insurance, Wagner-Peyser/Employment Service (ES) Program, Dislocated Worker Program
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis