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381 to 390 of 581 results
Release Date
Release Date:
Issue: 2003-01
DescriptionThis report explores the relationship between non-monetary eligibility policies and practices and program outcomes, such as recipiency and benefit duration. Information is collected on state non-monetary eligibility legislation, policies, and practices for unemployment insurance (UI) programs in a sample of states to document across-state variation that may affect UI recipiency. Research …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-10
DescriptionThis study examines the way Federal funds are distributed to the states to carry out the adult and dislocated workers programs under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.   The study examines how year-to-year allotments change due to changes in the unemployment factors used to make the adult and dislocated worker calculations; the differences the hold-harmless provisions make to the adult …
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-09
DescriptionEarly reviews of the WPRS systems suggested ways to improve states' systems, such as updating profiling models more often, intensifying services, and better coordination among UI, Employment Services (ES), and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs. Acting on these suggestions, ETA awarded Significant Improvement Demonstration Grants (SIGs) in June 1999 to 11 states (Alaska, California, …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-07
DescriptionThis report describes a new assessment and referral system that was designed to assist local welfare-to-work program staff in targeting employment services more effectively in order to help welfare recipients find jobs. … Michigan … Florida … Randall Eberts … Randall Eberts … W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyRCT (Randomized Control Trial)
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-06
DescriptionThe goal of the process evaluation was to document the implementation process of the projects, noting achievements and challenges as project staff attempted to deliver integrated services to the target population. To the extent possible, the evaluation also was to report the outcomes of the projects' efforts to transition youth offenders and youth at risk of becoming involved with the juvenile …
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-05
DescriptionThe purpose of this study is to identify, document widely disseminate - via the Internet and other appropriate mechanisms - success stories and promising practices of One-Stop Career center across the country operating under the Workforce Investment Act. … Ohio … Wisconsin … Washington … Pennsylvania … Oklahoma … New York … Texas … Kentucky … Illinois … California … Connecticut … Michigan … …
Research MethodologyQualitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-04
DescriptionThis report on the Impact of the Targeted Harmonized Wage Code on Unemployment Insurance was funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration and the Internal Revenue Service. … California … Georgia … Minnesota … Montana … Pennsylvania … … Lalith De Silva, Ph.D. … Mikel Lasa … Planmatics, …
ProgramUnemployment Insurance
Research MethodologyQuantitative Analysis
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-03
DescriptionThis study examines the characteristics, labor market experiences, and UI and reemployment service receipt of UI recipients who began collecting UI benefits in 1998. The objective is to gauge the extent to which recent changes in the U.S. labor market have affected the composition of UI recipients who exhaust benefits and to examine their postexhaustion labor market behavior. A further objective …
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-02
DescriptionThis report examines the following question: Why does the receipt of unemployment insurance(UI) benefits vary so widely across individual states within the United States? Especially strong interest centers on states where UI recipiency has been and remains very low. To the extent that research on this question is successful, it will improve our understanding of this phenomenon and will identify …
Release Date:
Issue: 2002-01
DescriptionThis report on Self-Employment Assistance (SEA) Programs catalogs the eight state programs that were established between 1995 and 1999 and presents participant outcomes that were collected through a survey of former participants. … … William Kosanovich … DTI …