Evaluation of the Significant Improvement Demonstration Grants for the Provision of Reemployment Services for UI Claimants

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Evaluation of the Significant Improvement Demonstration Grants for the Provision of Reemployment Services for UI Claimants

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Early reviews of the WPRS systems suggested ways to improve states' systems, such as updating profiling models more often, intensifying services, and better coordination among UI, Employment Services (ES), and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs. Acting on these suggestions, ETA awarded Significant Improvement Demonstration Grants (SIGs) in June 1999 to 11 states (Alaska, California, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin). The two-year SIGs were intended to increase the effectiveness of WPRS systems and reemployment services for UI claimants. Further grant goals were to help shape future policy and to support implementation of the WIA. This final report describes findings from data collection activities conducted during 2000 and 2001.