UI Research Exchange

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UI Research Exchange

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The UI Research Exchange is published by the Unemployment Insurance Service to increase the effectiveness of research throughout the UI program. Toward this goal, the Exchange provide a means of communication among researchers and between researchers and policymakers. The Exchange is designed to be an open forum for all UI researchers. This fifth issue contains a variety of research information. This issue includes two contributed papers. The first paper, contributed by Roy Meadows of the Missouri Division of Employment Security, describes the construction of an all purpose model which has been very useful in Missouri for evaluating legislative proposals and the cash flow status of the UI trust fund. This example of how to build a financing model offers ideas and techniques that other states may wish to adapt to their situation. Second, Tom Hills of the Nevada Employment Security Department has updated a survey of the UI function in State Research and Analysis sections. Excerpts from an analysis of the 1980 survey by the Nevada agency appeared in the second issue of the Exchange in 1981. The current paper presents the results of a questionnaire sent to the Research and Analysis chiefs in 1984 to find out the scope of and problems incurred in UI research and compares the results to those of the earlier survey.