ADARE Programmatic Research and Evaluation

This session assesses the net impacts of WIA services on employment, earnings, and other outcomes of interest. This session covers initial WIA quasi-experimental net impacts on employment and earnings in seven states.

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Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey

This session will present findings from the recently released OECD study, Learning a Living: First Results from the Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey. The session will emphasize literacy and numeracy results from the survey of U.S. working-age adults and explore possible implications for adult education and vocational programs.

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Allied Health Youth Advancement Program

This project, which won Recognition of Excellence for Serving Out-of-School Youth, brings together employers, higher education, and workforce industry leaders through a concerted effort by the WIB to train and place out-of-school youth in health care industry career paths that can quickly lead to self-sustaining wages.

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Bay Area Biotech Consortium, Career Pathway Project

This project, which won Recognition of Excellence Award for Building an Industry/Business-Driven Workforce Investment System, is designed to attract and train unemployed airline workers in the new and expanding bio-tech sector.

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Career Academies Study

This session will explain the demonstration and evaluation study of Career Academies, examining the benefits of high-school academies to in-school, low-income youth in increasing earnings prospects and enhancing education.

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Creating Partnerships for Workforce Investment:  How Services Are Provided by WIA

This session will describe the use of partnerships in WIA services. Governmental agencies, non-profits, for-profits, and educational institutions play an integral role for local workforce investment boards, by serving functions such as One-Stop operators; core or intensive service providers; training providers; and consultants.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: Creating Partnerships for Workforce Investment: How Services Are Provided Under WIA

The Effects of Customer Choice:  First Findings from the ITA Experiment

This session will describe early findings from a project designed to test different approaches for managing customer choice Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) . Customers were randomly assigned into one of the ITA approaches, which range from a highly structured approach to a true voucher approach.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: The Effects of Customer Choice: First Findings from the Individual Training Account Experiment

Employment Retention and Advancement Study

The Employment Retention and Advancement evaluation is testing 15 program models in 8 states to explore which strategies and services promote stable employment and career advancement among welfare recipient and other low wage workers.

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Evaluation of the (ITA/ETP) Demonstration

This session will describe the evaluation of the Individual Training Account/Eligible Training Provider (ITA/ETP) demonstration which provided support to ITAs and ETP system development in thirteen states and local areas, and encouraged innovative approaches and practices.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: The Evaluation of the Individual Training Account / Eligible Training Provider Demonstration

Findings from the National Agricultural Workers Survey

Using National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) data up through 2004, this presentation will describe continuing and emerging trends in farm worker demographic and employment characteristics.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: Findings from the National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS)

Lifelong Learning Account Pilot Study in Maine

Lifelong Learning Accounts are individual asset accounts that leverage funds from employers and workers to finance education and training. 

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Personal Reemployment Accounts:  Simulations for Planning Implementation

This presentation provides a simulation analysis of the various choice parameters states might set in implementing PRAs. The simulations rely on patterns of intensive, supportive, and training services usage by UI beneficiaries in Georgia targeted by Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services (WPRS) models.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: Personal Reemployment Accounts: Simulations for Planning Implementation

Pillowtex Project

This project won Recognition of Excellence for Recognizing Special Populations in the Workforce. After the Pillowtex closing in North Carolina , the community college, local and state leaders met to develop short-term training programs in Pharmacy tech certification, Medical Coding and Billing, and Medical Unit Secretary.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation


This project, which won Recognition of Excellence for e³ Partnerships, began four years ago as a grant intended to address a nursing shortage in the area by training youth offenders as health care workers.

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Project GATE - Fifty Percent Sample Analysis Report

This session will present a preliminary analysis of the first 2000 survey respondents from the GATE 6-month follow-up survey. Project GATE provides training, technical assistance and assistance in applying for small business loans to individuals who are interested in starting or growing a small business.

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Regional Energy Training Center

This project, which won Recognition of Excellence for Educating America's 21 st Century Workforce, was created to address the needs of local oil and gas producing companies as well as unemployed and incumbent workers, through training, licenses and certification.

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Review of States Income Security Responses to Post WWII Recessions and Evaluation of How States Responded to 2001-2002 Recessions

This presentation will trace historical developments in two major DOL Federal-state partnerships programs: state UI and the Federal-state Employment Service. This presentation emphasizes long-term trends as well as changes that have occurred over the course of multiple business cycles.

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A Six-State Policy Academy to Enhance Connections between Workforce & Economic Development Policy

This session will describe the results and lessons learned from Policy Academies in six states, which were designed to assist state policy-makers cope with problems of global competition by promoting effective economic development strategies and linking economic development with workforce development policies. 

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: The Next Generation of Workforce Development Project: A Six-State Policy Academy to Enhance the Connections Between Workforce and Economic Development Policy

Strengthening Connections between UI and One-Stop Centers

This session will share implementation lessons and findings to-date from the Wisconsin UI reemployment demonstration. Preliminary findings indicate that reemployment services and employment outcomes were greater for treatment of UI claimants when compared to a similar comparison group.

Link to PDF Document

Targeted Applications of ADARE Data

This session will present the use of ADARE (Administrative Data Research and Evaluation Alliance) data in two initiatives. Project MEETS provides information to identify employment trends and needed skills. The Anatomy of the One-Stop Center project collects detailed information concerning operations in One-Stop Centers.

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UI Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Study

This session will present information on the study of the REA demonstrations in nine states. This project began in 2005 with the goal of helping states realize UI trust fund savings and get claimants back to work faster. The 21 states operating these demonstration projects each structured its REA initiative to address state-specific needs.

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What Can We Expect Under Personal Reemployment Accounts? Predictions and Procedures

In January 2003, President Bush announced a proposal on PRAs as a potential new approach to help unemployed individuals return to work more quickly. This presentation draws on research from a variety of sources to address issues related to implementation of the proposed PRAs.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: What Can We Expect Under Personal Reemployment Accounts? Predictions and Procedures

The Workforce Investment Act in Eight States

This session will focus on a study of more than 30 local One-Stop Centers, designed to enhance policy-makers' understanding of the way workforce service delivery has been operating across the country.

Link to PowerPoint Presentation

Publication: The Workforce Investment Act in Eight States

Youth Offender Employment Bonus Demonstration Project

This session will present lessons learned and preliminary outcomes information from the Youth Offender Employment Bonus Demonstration projects in St. Paul and West Palm Beach . The session will discuss the efficacy of the bonus, and will focus on the impact of the bonus on youth employment and retention.

Link to Related Documentation

GAME Employment Bonus

PROMISE Employment Bonus

Next ETA Research Conference Showcase is in 2006 at Workforce Innovations 2006.