
Programmatic performance data is important for all workforce system partners, stakeholders such as State and Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs), and the public to better understand workforce system operations, enhance services, and pursue continuous improvement for services to job seekers and employers. ETA invites you to learn more about our programs, services, and outcomes.

This page features the most recent Workforce Performance Results: 

Visit the Workforce Performance Results Archive to view performance results from prior Program Years. 

WIOA Title I and III Annual Report Data: Program Year 2022

Access these maps for ETA-9169 State level data including WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs as well as title III Wagner-Peyser data. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires Titles I and III programs to submit programmatic performance data to the Department of Labor (WIOA sec. 116 (d)); states report data annually through the ETA-9169 (OMB Control Number 1205-0526) reporting template. 

Instructions:   Select a state on the map or the table to view a quick snapshot of key data points for each state. For more detailed information use the table tab to drill down to individual performance indicators by state, see national information, compare programs, and view multiple states’ data, and download information.