Data tables for the following domains are currently available:

1. Demographic and Employment Characteristics.

Data are reported for the United States and six regions, for the following eight periods:

  1. 1989-1991;
  2. 1998-2000;
  3. 2007-2009;
  4. 2010-2012;
  5. 2013-2014;
  6. 2015-2016;
  7. 2017-2018; and
  8. 2019-2020.
Region Programs Link
Characteristics U.S. East Midwest Northwest Southeast Southwest California
Demographic Table 1 Table 3 Table 5 Table 7 Table 9 Table 11 Table 13
Employment Table 2 Table 4 Table 6 Table 8 Table 10 Table 12 Table 14


2: Occupational Injury:

The Department of Labor and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Division of Safety Research (DSR) used the NAWS to collect occupational injury data on hired crop workers in fiscal years 1999, 2002-2004, 2008-2010, and 2014-2015.

Data tables are available for the following three periods:

  1. 1999 and 2002-2004;
  2. 2008-2010; and
  3. 2014-2015.

The NIOSH tables reside at:

For additional information about the NIOSH tables, contact Mr. Larry Layne (NIOSH/DSR):

3. Health:

This site contains 22 tables, highlighting information on health variables and other topics that are important to understanding agricultural worker health, including demographic and employment characteristics, health insurance, and health care utilization. The health data were collected through collaborations with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Each of the 22 tables has its own page, which can be accessed via a hyperlink that is available on the left side of every page within this site. Each table’s landing page contains a summary of findings and links to data tables, bar charts, and trend lines for one or more NAWS variables. A list of the variables available within a given table, and hyperlinks to data charts and tables are listed in a box on the right side of the table’s landing page. The tables contain NAWS data from fiscal years 1999-2014. The data are presented in two-year intervals i.e., 1999-2000, 2001-2002, etc. through 2013-2014.