- TEGL No. 15-99 (Issue Date: June 13, 2000)Subject
Contingency Planning Options for State Plans under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Wagner-Peyser Act
PurposeThis guidance letter outlines the steps to be taken in the event that a State is not prepared to fully implement the required provisions for the Workforce Investment Act by July 1, 2000 - the date which JTPA will be repealed. These steps must be balanced so that States are held accountable to statutory and regulatory requirements and the principles of WIA while ensuring that customers of the workforce investment system continue to have access to the WIA services.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 23-99 (Issue Date: June 12, 2000)Subject
UPDATED PUBLICATION: Assessing Workforce Development Systems...Benchmarks for Mature and Older Workers
PurposeTo distribute copies of the recent publication of the updated
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEGL No. 14-99 (Issue Date: June 12, 2000)Subject
Instructions for Preparation of the WIA Transition Summer Report
PurposeTo transmit to States instructions for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 Transition Summer Report (WTSR).
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - UIPL No. 27-00 (Issue Date: June 6, 2000)Subject
Employer Addresses on Quarterly Wage Reports and on New Hire Reports Provided to the State and National Directories of New Hires (Directories)
PurposeTo advise State unemployment compensation (UC) agencies of problems with some employer addresses provided to State and National directories and to encourage the UC agencies to work with State and Federal child support enforcement (CSE) agencies to resolve the problems.
ActiveProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - UIPL No. 26-00 (Issue Date: May 31, 2000)Subject
Model State Legislation and Commentary to aid States implementing Birth and Adoption Unemployment Compensation Unemployment Compensation (BAA-UC)
PurposeTo provide Model State Legislation and Commentary for States implementing BAA-UC. The Model State Legislation is offered as a guide for States that need to amend their current UC laws, it is not required. The Commentary provides information on the Model State Legislation and will aid States in making policy decisions.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEGL No. 13-99 (Issue Date: May 26, 2000)Subject
Joint Guidance on the Use of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Job Access and Reverse Commute, and Welfare-to-Work Funds to Provide Transportation Services to Welfare Recipients
PurposeTo provide and revise coordinated guidance developed jointly by the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Transportation, to assist States and communities in taking full advantage of existing transportation resources available to help move people from welfare to work.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 21-99 (Issue Date: May 26, 2000)Subject
Work Incentive Grant Solicitation for Grant Application (SGA) and the Schedule for Technical Assistance/Bidders' Conferences
PurposeTo provide the SGA for the Work Incentive Grant program announced in the Federal Register on Thursday, May 25, 2000, and to provide information on the Technical Assistance/Bidders' Conferences scheduled by the Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) on this grant program.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 22-99 (Issue Date: May 25, 2000)Subject
Older Americans Month
PurposeTo announce that the month of May is Older Americans Month and to encourage WIA partners to take advantage of this opportunity to continue forging partnerships that actively promote initiatives focused on securing access to employment for older workers. The focus on older Americans during the month of May can provide numerous possibilities for broadening investments in the continued hiring and employment of mature, experienced workers.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - TEIN No. 20-99 (Issue Date: May 23, 2000)Subject
Training and Employment Report of the Secretary of Labor
PurposeTo notify the States of the availability of a new publication, Training and Employment Report of the Secretary of Labor.
CanceledProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000 - UIPL No. 25-00 (Issue Date: May 19, 2000)Subject
The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 -- Provisions Affecting the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation Program
PurposeTo advise State agencies of the provisions of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, P.L. 106-170, which affect the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) program.
ActiveProgram Year:1999Fiscal Year:2000