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  • UIPL No. 27-13 (Issue Date: September 9, 2013)

    Unemployment Insurance (UI) Supplemental Funding Opportunity to Fund Costs Attributable to the Implementation of the Sequestration Impacts on the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Program in Fiscal Year (FY) 2014


    To notify State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) of the availability of funds through the Supplemental Budget Request (SBR) process for costs related to the implementation of sequestration requirements impacting the EUC program in FY 2014.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • UIPL No. 26-13 (Issue Date: September 6, 2013)

    Extension of Approval and Reminder of Requirement to Use Form MA 8-7, Transmittal for Unemployment Insurance Materials


    To inform states of the extension of approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the use of the Form MA 8-7, Transmittal for Unemployment Insurance Materials, and to remind states to use it to transmit unemployment insurance materials.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 06-13 (Issue Date: September 5, 2013)

    Release and Availability of the Significant Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws Effective July 2013


    To announce the release and availability of the Significant Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws Effective July 2013.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 05-13 (Issue Date: September 4, 2013)

    Reporting Training-Related Employment under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Programs


    This Training and Employment Notice (TEN) is intended to improve reporting on training related employment for WIA programs. The TEN begins with general overview of the current state of the training-related employment and occupation information in the Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) for individuals that obtained employment after program exit. Second, this TEN presents the challenges associated with collecting this information. Lastly, the TEN will present some state practices on effective ways to collect and report on training-related employment for WIA exiters who received training and obtained employment.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 5-13 (Issue Date: September 4, 2013)

    Pilot Study on Credential, Degree and Certificate Attainment by Participants of the Native American, Section 166, Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Program


    To notify WIA Section 166 Indian and Native American (INA) grantees of a pilot study on credentials received by participants of the Native American Employment and Training program and to provide guidance on how to define a credential. The pilot study will be for one year, from July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014. All grantees will be included in the pilot study, however, no additional information will be required from grantees as the data will be obtained from the Standard Participant Information Record (SPIR) file that grantees already submit every quarter. Upon completion of the study, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) – in consultation with the Secretary of Labor’s (Secretary) Native American Employment and Training Council (NAETC) – will establish a “credential goal” for the Native American, Section 166 program. The purpose of the credential goal will be to promote increases in training that lead to the attainment of industry recognized credentials and employment. The credential goal will be in addition to the existing three performance measures for the Native American program (entered employment, employment retention and average earnings).

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 08-12, CHANGE 1 (Issue Date: August 30, 2013)

    Update on the Roles and Responsibilities of the Public Workforce System in Tracking, Offering Employment Services, and Reporting Outcomes of Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) Participants.


    To inform the workforce system about the required process for providing outreach to and tracking outcomes of VRAP participants, including how the Department of Labor (DOL) will make available VRAP participant information to state grantees. It also includes procedures for American Job Center (formerly known as One-Stop Career Center) staff to offer VRAP participants employment assistance upon program completion or termination as required by the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011. This guidance provides specifications for reporting to DOL on outreach activities and the employment outcomes of VRAP participants. This change also corrects an inconsistency on the reporting values, offers more details on report due dates, provides instruction for reporting individuals who are both VRAP participants and Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) claimants, and provides programmatic updates.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 04-13 (Issue Date: August 28, 2013)

    Program Year (PY) 2012/Fiscal Year 2013 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines


    To specify the performance reporting requirements and associated timelines for submitting reports and/or individual records for the following programs/activities:

    • quarterly reports and data validation results for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service;
    • quarterly and annual reports and data validation results for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) title IB programs and National Emergency Grants;
    • the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program; and
    • the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP).
    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 4-13 (Issue Date: August 28, 2013)

    Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Performance Reporting System


    To provide guidance on the modifications to the WIA Performance Reporting System

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEGL No. 3-13 (Issue Date: August 19, 2013)

    Designation of Significant Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) and Bilingual American Job Centers (AJCs) for Program Year 2013


    To publish the nationwide list of AJCs that the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has designated as significant MSFW and bilingual local offices.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 03-13 (Issue Date: August 15, 2013)

    National Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Conference September 16 – 18, 2013


    To announce the 2013 National Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Conference that will be held in Washington, D.C., September 16 – 18.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013